Stories tagged song

Karma Wash, Hog Wash, and Swill

912912 views33 comments33 favs

The beer on the shore is Lapping at the foam of memory And I can’t sit still Until I take my pill Karma Wash, Hog Wash and Swill I went to the top of the heap At the bottom of the Hill I saw a bum’s sign that read: “Will eat dog food for

Be Here Now. Be There Soon

6868 views22 comments22 favs

I think I’m hearing Hitler’s boots On a bunch of older coots Running through the halls of power Underneath the raving tower I think I’m hearing Hitler’s boots On a bunch of older coots I’ve heard they’re selling a monarch’s coins

Things You Should Know, By Heart, If You Must

715715 views44 comments33 favs

The light is always on in reality The Gelatinous Mass is not something made up By the Catholic Church And even though a small deer may have come to the side of the road once To lick the salt from your wounds There will definitely be cheap fish

The Angel Closes the Rain

940940 views44 comments44 favs

I may have gone A little soft in the brain But I swear I still see it The angel closes the rain Even God has to refrain From causing us pain When the angel closes the rain So the angel closes the rain At the end of time The angel mus

Our Last Night at the Nunnery Motel 2.0 in Milano

981981 views99 comments66 favs

They make you work For your pizza in Italy You have to slice it yourself While wearing a gas mask To ward off the cigarette smoke From every neighboring table While chasing away the Mosquitos and the pigeons The flies and the gypsy r


921921 views55 comments33 favs

It was on the Fake News today, Oh boy They built a bridge from Alaska to Siberia Called the Bridge Over Troubled Waters Instead of a wall And Putin came riding bareback on a pink unicorn Into the White House and renamed it The White Horse,

Still Mo Bands

881881 views33 comments33 favs

Cliffhanger Notes Sexpot Bunched Panties Cereal Killer Hello Kitty Litter Canoodle Named Anonymous Clock The Lizard of Oz Luke Warm and the Cold Zippers Megaschnauzer Truffle-Snuffers Pork-Pie Hats Helium Chipmunks Tender Is

My Nashville Song

800800 views66 comments22 favs

I smell ham and biscuits I ain't eatin' Triscuits No more No more, no more Gonna get back on my Harley With my mutt named Bisquick Charlie I just ain't eatin’ Triscuits No more, no more And I heard you know the score Yeah, I know you

Song: Got a Sixth of a Cow In the Freezer

11371137 views77 comments55 favs

I got a sixth of a cow in the freezer That’s not meant to be just a teaser I guess all I’m sayin’ Come on home and you’ll be stayin’ Cause I got a sixth of a cow in the freezer Got a rack and a half of ribs I ain’t tellin’ you no fibs

Love Me Like It's Midnight

11021102 views1010 comments77 favs

We are young That’s all we’ve got We take drugs We smoke pot You got mugged And I got shot We are young That’s all we’ve got I want you to love me like it’s midnight Midnight, midnight Yeah, your mama wants you home But she knows

I Heard You Liked the Back Seat Too, Honey

2626 views00 comments00 favs

I heard you liked the back seat too, Honey I heard that you liked to hear me coo Well, I was just like you But then I started feeling kinda funny And I pulled my own heart apart Sniffing at its neck like you used to do And now I don’t know a

You Can Keep the Keys: Song

10021002 views44 comments33 favs

Here’s the keys to the house Here’s the keys to the car I’m going out and I don’t care I’m going out to buy a cigar Don’t bother locking up after I leave I’m not coming back anymore I’m going to drink whiskey out of a jar Go out and buy

Long Walks On the Beach: Song

66 views00 comments00 favs

I don’t like long walks on the beach Or sand between my toes Jellyfish stinging my butt Saltwater up my nose I don’t like long lingering glances But I sure like fancy pantses And, oh yeah, a bum without a bottle Is like a car without a th

My Belgian Waffle-Hound: Song

10431043 views44 comments33 favs

I was walking my Belgian Waffle-Hound Past the Belgian waffle shop I found a penny on the ground And did a tiny little hop I spun around and went inside The Belgian waffle shop And bought a little waffle For my Belgian Waffle-Hound

Long Walks On the Beach: Song

657657 views11 comment11 fav

I don’t like long walks on the beach Or sand between my toes Jellyfish stinging my butt Saltwater up my nose I don’t like long lingering glances But I sure like fancy pantses And yes, a bum without a bottle Is like a car without a throttl