by Jerry Ratch
I was walking my Belgian Waffle-Hound
Past the Belgian waffle shop
I found a penny on the ground
And did a tiny little hop
I spun around and went inside
The Belgian waffle shop
And bought a little waffle
For my Belgian Waffle-Hound
We went outside and sat right down
Outside the Belgian waffle shop
I met a lass sitting on her ass
Right beside us on the grass
She said, as she looked right at me
“What's that on your scalp?
Some Urban Kelp?”
Yeah, she made fun of me
I paid her no mind
And kept eating my dinner
But my Belgian waffle-hound
Lifted his leg up on her
And away she fled
Like a dog with a sled
And my Belgian waffle-hound
Looked up at me and almost said
“See? Ain't I a better friend
Than she would ever be?”
With those large sad eyes
The best you would ever see
Ah, if only dogs could smile as well
But with that his lip, it curled
All he really had to do
Was lift his leg up on the world
And away she flew
Away she flew
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*Broadly smiling. Thanks, Jerry.
I second Gary.