by Jerry Ratch
We are young
That's all we've got
We take drugs
We smoke pot
You got mugged
And I got shot
We are young
That's all we've got
I want you to love me like it's midnight
Midnight, midnight
Yeah, your mama wants you home
But she knows you gotta roam
Love me like it's midnight
We gotta get it right
Love me like it's midnight
And we're gonna have a fight
You got mugged
And I got shot
I'm a pig
And you're a snot
I am cold
And you're so hot
I am bold
Our bed's a cot
But we take drugs
And we smoke pot
We are young
That's all we've got
Love me like it's midnight
We gotta get it right
Love me like it's midnight
And we're ‘bout have a fight
Holy crap
And holy cow
You gotta do it to me
Do it to me now
I want you to love me like it's midnight
Midnight, midnight
And your mama wants you home
But she knows you gotta roam
Love me like it's midnight
We gotta get it right
Love me like it's midnight
And we're gonna have a fight
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216 words
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Tells the tale of tales.
And we're gonna have a fight
And we're gonna have a fight
Anthem of misspent yout'.
"Love me like it's midnight" freaking rocks...great line!
Enjoyed. *
Enjoyed reading the poem.
Great stuff*
We take drugs, we smoke pot, love me like it's midnight.*
Those first two stanzas are gunshots!