745 3 2
He’s got horns and a tail
I found him on sale
He’s got snake in his DNA
Evil in his eye
And plenty of chicken pot, chicken pot
Chicken pot pie
But he sure can play piano
With those giant lobster hands
In his ratty raccoon coat
And his
735 3 3
I’m living at the Edge of Graffiti
And yet I still survive
Because I walked across the line
Separating me from the rest of mankind
You can see me out here
I’m in so much pain
All that’s written on my face
I think it’s pretty plain
219 1 1
I’ve fallen beside the sunrise
I’ve fallen beside the sunset
As well and died
I see your face in the shadows under clouds
I see your face everywhere
And I haven’t even tried
But there you are
You’re everywhere I look
Even when I’m no
168 3 2
You had the problems of a Thousand Nights
That’s what was wrong with you
If only you had opened up the clam
And let your fur fly loose
We might have had a chance to lose
Everything about us that kept us from
Loving, even destroying each
213 5 3
Impale or impeach
Impeach or impale
Either way you can't fail
Which is it gonna be?
69 0 0
“See, I told you I was a virgin!”
My first girlfriend said
Pointing at the blood on the bed
When I was too inexperienced
To know the difference
Between hymen and menstrual blood
I mean, blood is blood
And that was quite a sight
617 6 3
I was bleeding from the soul
It took its toll
I fell all the way down in a hole
I saw some burning coal
I didn’t know where the hell I was
Or what went wrong
As I sang some unholy song
Where I did not belong
There was a frozen carcas
466 6 2
I know I’m in the sky all night
And can lie back and sometimes have some fun
But these stars around me aren’t everything in life
I still miss the sun
After your first lover threw you back
Into the frozen ocean of life
You never came back
207 0 0
I ate 3 pieces of a broken heart
I wonder who ate the rest?
They may have eaten the very best
I don’t know and can’t even start
To wonder how it got in such a mess
3 pieces of a broken heart
You could tell it just fell apart
It once had an