by Jerry Ratch
I'm living at the Edge of Graffiti
And yet I still survive
Because I walked across the line
Separating me from the rest of mankind
You can see me out here
I'm in so much pain
All that's written on my face
I think it's pretty plain
I live in a tent
And don't pay rent
I don't give a damn
About the government
How much abandonment can there be
Without some form of abundance?
I need to know for real
And cry every day for your betrayal
There are streets without a city
On a map without a name
I can't stand another minute
But can't come in from the rain
I'm living at the Edge of Graffiti
And still I barely survive
Because I walked across the line
Separating us from mankind
You can see me out here
I'm in so much pain
All that's written on my face
I think it's pretty plain
So many streets without a city
On a map without a name
I can't stand another minute
And can't come in from the rain
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193 words
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song, poem
Nicely done.
Heartfelt and wistful. I can see you out there.
i've stumbled on the edge of graffiti.*