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Just Wondrin'

10931093 views1515 comments1010 favs

Ever had the occasion to wake up look at your watch and see it's five-thirty in the morning — after sleeping on the couch all night? Ever then gone to take a leak, trudged down the hall, cracked your bedroom door to check on your wife and found a portly, balding man…

How To Profit As Copper Becomes The New Gold

17991799 views1313 comments1212 favs

We have no more leaders, only rulers who live in another country. I don't ask why my cousin's hand is bandaged, what he's been burning, what's tarped in his truck.

Out of Stardust

12781278 views66 comments55 favs

Nor woke, as always, to a dark room smelling of the lavender she kept in little bottles to perfume the otherwise stank air. Outside, she could still see the edge of the moon hanging there like a lopsided smile. The early summer wind blew in and stirred the faded floral…


13981398 views1212 comments1212 favs

Momma called them Vaughens, "a outfit," and said, "they shoulda throwed the book at that Darla Jean."

Notes of a Questionable Writer

160160 views2424 comments1010 favs

Once upon a time I was definitely a writer. I told tales everywhere and even wrote them down. Every one was a fabrication woven around a morsel of truth. Many accused me of putting them in my tales and ruining their reputations.…


14631463 views1717 comments1111 favs

When he woke he carried the body of a cat instead of a man. Next to him his cat dreamed it had a human body.

She lets her intentions guide her

11941194 views1616 comments1111 favs

“If 'neighbor' applies to women who covet—'deliriously desire'—husbands from Angers, then one day he'll be your husband's neighbor," I say.

Quitting Smoking

21292129 views2525 comments1111 favs

After the affair was over, she told her husband she’d been smoking. Obviously he didn’t know, but he knew. One can never hide the fact that one has been smoking. He said he could smell it on her.

Conjured love

16691669 views1212 comments88 favs

Love heals. Lovers know this from the start, Yet they may not know with certainty What love is. Not that it matters especially When they find the magic within the power Of unfolding lust, Of redemption, Of unmitigated joy. There's a mutual…


12861286 views1414 comments1111 favs

The beachy slope never draws such goliaths.

Égalité in Equal Measures

21902190 views99 comments99 favs

Guillaume and Marcel rolled the headless body into its own wicker basket and were conferring with Lorbert about the disposition of the bodies and their heads, when Marcel noticed a short fellow with a grim sneer and a measuring rod . . .

Fairy Tale in Dachau

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Certainly leftover cyanide-based Zyclon-B pesticide from the gas chamber was used to purge the lawn of weeds, bugs and vermin. Very efficient. No waste. Perfectly recycled.

Invisible Grime

12901290 views1010 comments77 favs

Most everything is white because white means clean and hospitals are supposed to be clean. They wouldn’t let me leave.

Like Father

399399 views1212 comments1010 favs

Over a decade of late nights and alcohol fueled anger, and still, sometimes some image or smell would click the panic button,

Modest Proposal

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It could be fun,/ with the guns, explosives, Molotov/ Cocktails and all,

Real Talk – A Ghost Story

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Tunnel hobos, all hootched up high, think a sign's all about super powers, mind reading, clairvoyance, dig?

Trash Burning, 1976

10611061 views1313 comments1010 favs

This time the bag's bigger/than the boy and the door.

Supply and Demand

11911191 views1717 comments1212 favs

There are 1.45 million readers of poetry in the US and 2.9 million poets. The odds of an audience are bad.

Food for Thought

14591459 views1313 comments1111 favs

I could never be a chef.Preparing creations that will merely be consumed.If I were a chef,I'd have to create dishes that required chewingand chewing and chewing.I'd find it better for my dishes to be destroyed in the mouth.Remembered for their…

A Change in Plan

10701070 views1313 comments1212 favs

Times were tough back then. Just a few jobs. This was in the late thirties. It's the story of how Albert hooked up with Iris. Their unlikely meeting took place when they met out on the Highway 61 right-of-way just outside of Natchez, Mississippi, each trying to hitch…


12641264 views1010 comments1212 favs

A cult is one thing; it defies common sense that a commonly educated person cannot escape cultist thinking and belonging. That cult, A.A., is girded by police, fire, therapy, hospitals, insurance companies, and courts.

The Home

26182618 views1818 comments77 favs

They take her cookies they take her Coke they take her Kleenex the whole box not the used ones They take, they steal everything They’d take the brain out of an ox if they could Diamonds they steal bars of soap as long as they

Using Mini-Golf as a Metaphor for the Shortcomings in My Love Life

24002400 views33 comments66 favs

My girlfriend, Anna, was not at the party but out of town for the weekend. I promised myself I would kick her out of my apartment soon. That was in the works since God knows when. She was never going to leave voluntarily and this maneuver, I figured, woul

The Young Woman Swimming

930930 views1111 comments55 favs

She stepped inlike ice alonecould save hershe dived,slicing the wavewith her body her fresh pony tailsubmergedlike a silk scarfthen swam moving thewater awaylike whirlpoolscould hold her buoyantly save her from the headachewhispering wordsThey had been there all…

The Ardennes: Two Vignettes

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In the Ardennes for the the first time...

From The Chronicles of His Demise

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I am not the wind./ I am a stone eroded by the wind

The Rising Tide

12311231 views1919 comments1111 favs

I'm just a rental dog myself looking for the guardian of starlight peeing on the expired parking meters and barking up all the wrong trees.


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My eyes filled with tears when it entered my throat

The Cosmos as Gerunds

10381038 views1919 comments1111 favs

There is no there or where but rather/ trajectories of probability

When the Witness Calls

14261426 views1515 comments1111 favs

Here they come, those witnesses.