1085 2 1
The muezzin calls the faithful,
his voice soaring over the rooftops,
over the trees and the brooks,
1387 2 1
A sturdy and goatish original by know-nothing punks from the sticks. Who cares if we were puny and smelled like fresh milk? For a few years we played and rocked, even turned the Appalachian soundscape a little brown at the edges. At least at first. Mainly
1515 1 1
Eyes so much deeper, that the internal flow could not hope to equal the intensity fired beyond iris, pupil and sclera. So blue, that life could not exist in the fragile shape of his heart, blue veins outlining an ever enlargening circumference…
1034 4 1
This time is different. The dream doesn’t continue with endless walking.
569 2 1
"The President feels that Joe's talents are best used elsewhere," said White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. "We had a lot of take-out orders to keep straight with everybody working late."
792 3 1
LOL? What does that mean? It’s showing up like everywhere.
You make me LOL? Is that equivalent to puke, do you think?
But no, they would have said: you make me want to LOL.
And I’m like HMB, you know, Holding My Belly,
To Keep From Puking. TKFP.
922 2 1
Zoë was stunning in a designer gown so revealing and form-fitting that only static electricity could keep it on her body.
1145 1 1
“You need to keep a close vigil on your X-Ray binaries from the Sun. The star and its blazing temperature could spill over at its outer-most edges. The material would be such a high temperature; it would destroy all life on your planet, and…
1260 3 0
Blend the dog a drink and sit down beside him and draw straws for regrets.
1759 2 0
. . . not if I have anything to do with it.
1102 2 1
I have never known how gold this time of year, With its palladium arcade, was, of the trees That do not sense the pleasure of their silence; Trees are egalitarian, they do not speak But concourse among themselves, consent to join us At this moment breathing…
1796 2 1
I hope you and asshole are having a good time.
1230 2 1
They could cram Rob inside the trunk and then drop him somewhere in the dingles.
1487 2 0
“I am NOT a hooker.”
“What exactly are you, then?” Marlene raised her slim eyebrows. Her almond shaped eyes and high-cut bangs gave her the appearance of a 1950s Barbie doll.
“Well…” I stirred my coffee and looked down. I wasn't sure wh
1061 5 0
Condensation on the Glass Riding down 22, I'm looking out the window. Time is a whirlwind. Your memory relinquishes itself, yellowed and fraying at the edges. It's raining and cold. I make a smiley face in the condensation …
1275 2 1
I saw a former lover today, by complete accident.
1005 2 1
Butter me up, moon lover. Remember, I was once your warm and hot goddess of flowers, washed to shore with the others you may have forgotten. Now the issue of the earth gets nearer, and we can see each other once again, if only in our dreams.
Just be
951 2 1
In my dream I am the showy leaf, and you are the stem, and you are the strength. I am the leaf turning colors, my face flushed, the fine hair at my neck, and there is the deep carnal twisting around your stem that sends me floating to the ceiling over a
995 4 0
We played and had joy. As the seasons changed in that peripheral world, we did not feel it. We only saw the snow a bit, only felt the wind a bit, we were not really in it. We still kept ourselves busy. There was something that I did begin to notice. I cou
1339 1 1
Margie sprayed the gift with her most expensive perfume and tucked it into her sweater’s front pocket. This way she could hold it close to her on the subway, so no one would see the pretty wrapping and try to snatch it from her
1138 1 1
our eyes misted white as goatskin
1188 0 0
“Devil’s Pass.” It had the highest rate of vehicle fatalities per year in the entire State of Colorado. Everyone in my state drove like a bunch of stupid rejects, so I asked the guy just how many? He replied,
“Four thousand for the entire state!...Nin
1209 2 1
I wonder if regular nonfashion clothes are out forever, if these kids will ever dress normally like, you know, Phil Donahue, again.
1212 2 1
There is truth you can’t escape or say any other way and expect it still to be truth.
1272 3 1
At a time when jazz had its share of royalty–kings, dukes, and counts–Young was democratically elected the President by an aristocratic vote of one; the best jazz singer alive, his sometime lover Billie Holiday.
961 3 1
Fat robins are chirping –
loudly – at 4 a.m.
They’re trying to delude
the worms into thinking it’s
dawn already
The worms get up underground
They’re grumpy, they
bump into things
They come up to the surface
and Wham! That
1044 0 1
I wrote a poem and asked a professor to read it. / He said: IMAGE IMAGE IMAGE IMAGE / like a mad man on meth, foam running down / his mouth crowded with sharp, shimmering teeth.
1109 4 0
There are songs I know to not listen to when I am alone.
1019 2 1
He stood in front of her. They stood eye to eye. "You aren't supposed to look me in the eye. If I were anyone else you would be smacked down on the ground right now. Treat me as you would a lover, your master."
956 4 1
A woman I work with is always going on about her daughter is an expert water-skier and has a collection of antique thimbles and makes prize-winning congo bars.