737 4 1
Rain pours through the ceiling and the building's fire alarm sounds repeated bursts of loud abrasive distortion 1 2 3
1536 2 2
Once or twice he sees her around town when he’s out driving but other than that, I mean, it’s not like he was stalking her, he didn’t know where she went to school or what she did for a part-time job, he didn’t care, he wasn’t interested.
866 3 1
The past follows, battered, bruised, always behind
961 2 1
By the time I got back to the island only Henson was still alive. He didn’t speak; the gun said it all.
1190 2 1
What was so bad about other religions that their followers were automatically condemned to eternal damnation? The priests were so convincing when they claimed Christ was the only true way.
1190 5 1
"Good, it's Link Wray again,"
912 5 1
Crowded into the heart are impressions past
These are not recognized in the available light
of the present. So they sit in the dappled shade
drinking, the clear glass partially filled with various
and red liquid. Hat tilted back. Black top hat
1111 3 1
The heart of those stars is a dab of yellow light. The darkness of the blue night appearing so deep because of the downward strokes of the actual sky interspersed with a violet that is almost black above the truly black silhouettes of the city buildings
1139 3 1
I suppose I'd rather Tomorrow be heroic.
It would make the passing of time less villainous.
1403 2 1
What do you do when someone’s in love and you know it’s wrong?
1803 2 1
Life ascends gradually—just like they always said. I stop counting on immediate transformations—the overnight best-seller, instant enlightenment—and instead focus on what I can do: Writing a little each day and making it to Mass on the weekend. I even giv
978 5 1
915 0 1
I need to be commended,
despite the wine glass
that threw itself
at your sister's head
of rollers. Imagine a pear
in the deli meat aisle
ripening behind glass...
1283 3 2
They watched the seven o'clock news.
1090 2 2
a disease/ like junk-sickness/ like a jealous lover/ who discovers competition/ and meets it with a blade/ in your heart,/ not hers.
1515 1 2
The zombie apocalypse was long foretold as a rather exciting bit of bother involving shotguns and chainsaws, but the reality of it is rather depressingly boring.
1818 1 1
i beat myself back into the littlon fish door, the algae sealing strip connecting as it does. Eons ago, i fell, and andy and i met with hands of crab and lobster in an eleborate room benaeth here, but I know very well, i am not him
925 0 1
She BENDS over and retrieves a bag that says POTATO CHIPS on it. Her dress is vaguely sweaty.
787 2 1
She bought herself her own apartment
That was when she told me
I have a hard time getting out
Unless it’s really important like work
I told myself wake up early
Get some coffee, but I oversleep
I had a massage therapist come to my house
1040 1 2
His wings, like tiny shoots, grew a season in an instant. The pain was gone now. He rose up as effortlessly as centaurs run, as angels fly. "I will sing your name as my brother among my brothers," the Seraph promised. Kladius watched the beasts below
1211 2 2
1137 2 2
Remembering you is easy
We do it every day,
When little Mike and Joey
Ask when the hell is Daddy ever coming home to play?
1107 4 1
In the morning I listen through an ear-trumpet
1134 2 1
Face defined-front part of head
Cybil's eyes stick to a mirror and guard the woman's skin. The woman's image could be the result of uncontrolled narcissism, yet dry wrinkles are visible from her reflection. Disguise cream covers some of the woman's c
1052 3 1
Most people come to dislike me because of the things I say.
849 2 1
An elephant with fascist tendencies,And various exotic dependancies,Kept his eye on,That there King Lion,Frustrated by his monarchic propensities.He made plans to over-throw,Thinking the Lion's popularity low,But he was discovered,When his habits were uncovered,Which was…
939 1 2
Sometimes I try to hum / along with the air conditioning, / and pretend I do not exist, but am merely / the space that fills the room.
1438 2 2
Mama told me never to play with the Dooley boys. They play too rough, they’re not to be trusted, and no one has seen Mrs. Dooley since she tried to clean out their tree house. Mama would always say, “You play with the Dooley Boys, you play with Satan.”
1123 2 1
Anatoly Gringovitch sat in the police car returning him to the Opera House.
773 2 2
We’re lost in a brambly aberration,
thorny tangles of a wacky nation.