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The Walk of Shame

958958 views22 comments22 favs

There it was One abandoned high heel shoe on the sidewalk Could have been Some kind of robbery Though Maybe it was just The beginning of the Walk of shame

All the Pretty Boys

16501650 views66 comments11 fav

Somewhere along the line he had also become a junkie, so he had a plastic bottle filled with methadone. I took a swig of that as we decided to jump in a cab and go to a dance club. It was a total shit-hole...

The shoes of 9/11

10161016 views22 comments22 favs

thunder striking in a pancake cumulative, his building bouncing upon itself, life going Richtor Scale, a billion pounds of panic per square second


798798 views22 comments11 fav

We were fleeing Hurricane Katrina We stopped somewhere in Texas at a roadside diner But found a sign that said it was closed All of a sudden as we sat there in our car The shop’s owner knocked on the window And asked what he could get for us

~elephant ink~

17021702 views22 comments22 favs

one numberless character, an army of rants marching one by one, sand by sand, we move mountains this way…

It's Not Enough

757757 views22 comments11 fav

I'll never forget the way you tasted that last morning that I ever saw you.The blurry eyed look on my face as I searched your bed for my tshirt, and you in a hurry because you were already late for work bending down onto the bed and grabbing my chin the…

I Was a Gigolo for a Fruit Fly Database

10801080 views22 comments22 favs

All I need is a break; to meet a woman who has access to a fruit fly database, either personally or through a trust established by her fruit-fly collecting grandfather.

David and Big Bird

802802 views22 comments11 fav

Hot sweaty bodies slam into each other to get aboard the overflowing subway car. I struggle to wedge myself though the sliding doors, bracing for more bodies to press against mine. The passengers in front of me suddenly stop and fan out.


12651265 views44 comments11 fav

I would ask for your name/if your tongue wasn’t in my mouth.

The Pataphysical Tourist

444444 views33 comments22 favs

We all get in a carriage of tin and volcanic glass and go a-touring. We had quite an itinerary to fulfill, all of it loosely applied to the principle of serendipity. We toured Luxembourg and tossed pretzels to the bankers who did tricks for us, somersaults and complex…


12701270 views22 comments22 favs

She thought of an animal checking a scent before mating, and imagined that he said to himself, “All I need is for this woman to be hitting on me.”

1978 What I Wanted

843843 views33 comments22 favs

What I wanted was to rewind the film


10751075 views44 comments11 fav

The capsules tumble around, one of them plinking against the crown in my upper-right jaw. I hate the crown… a mute reminder of the first time Brad hit me. Swallowing the capsules, my tongue probes the left side of my mouth, finding the other two crowns…

the sleep of rain

867867 views33 comments22 favs

Soon you too will lie down with the sleep of rain, telling them a thing or two, grown old by having lived through your youth, that is all. Lying from the side of your mouth so often that you take up lying on your side, to try getting an eyeful of the of

any sixtieth century

693693 views22 comments11 fav

carrion is no longer hauled away:/if the road killed it, it must be the road’s . . .

Bread Sweaters

10211021 views22 comments22 favs

We sat around the ocean table and ate eyes on ham

Act Of Contrition

853853 views11 comment22 favs

I haven’t written a poem in months.

Memoir 2.2

710710 views22 comments22 favs

Just after Al snapped the shutter the fucking monkey tried to tear his face off.

Well Enough Away

10701070 views22 comments22 favs

Everybody knew the buildings were trying to kill us.

More Visions of Astounding Beauty

855855 views44 comments11 fav

I remember saying, I’ll tell you what I think, if you tell me even one of your little secrets, okay? Whoa! A little too much information there, Wolfie, or Pharaoh, or whatever your name is now. I remember you with the same beard (just a different co

Jazz Torn

10521052 views11 comment11 fav

Lungs bursting in the alleyways trying to keep with the beat.

Writing Prompt 5086992075

12101210 views11 comment11 fav

Set your three-word story in prison.


15481548 views33 comments11 fav

Over fifty plastic flamingos stood silently at attention... as if eating sea urchins out of our lawn.

Daddy, Can I Have A Puppy?

12321232 views44 comments11 fav

Dad must have walked around with me 20 times, the store closed around us and finally he said I could have one. They were all in different poses and sizes, with black spots. Except one. One had silver spots.

Late Afternoon in the Universe

639639 views22 comments11 fav

In the evening when the sun sinks low and the baths gets drawna tall glass of milk sits slowly spoiling and sweating on the cracked white window sill. And the kids walk across the grass.The birds send out their last farewell notes They sail on the infinite breath of…

Why Must I Wait

891891 views44 comments11 fav

I WILL play with it. I WILL bend it. Use it every day. MAKE it work.

Birth Mothers, Seeking

13021302 views00 comments11 fav

A blonde girl, her youth evident beneath a cosmetic mask of bruised eye shadow and plum lipstick, claims the seat beside me on a train. A radiant six month-old gazes out from her hip, awe-struck at life, as my own son must have been at that age. I never e


15471547 views55 comments11 fav

"From up here the city lights burn like a thousand miles of fire," he croaked, his voice scratchy from sobbing. In pinpoints of illumination he imagined his wife - *former* wife - Calli in that Mustang convertible he'd gotten her for a birthday surprise

Babybonic Plague

17601760 views22 comments22 favs

What is the half-life of the daycare cold? That's what I'd like to know. Somewhere a scientist is carbon-dating a pterodactyl's knuckles, but does anyone really care?


15011501 views55 comments11 fav

The gun sits quietly in the woman's handbag.