"Do you have to call your brother a loser? He is not a loser and that was just uncalled for"
Call it what you may but misfortune, bad luck, disaster, adversity and trials of different calibers can hit us at any time.We are human. We experience the ups and downs of life everyday. Out of a job, lack of money, health insurance and other luxuries that some people…
She sat me down naked
on a kitchen chair and fucked me
in the dining room, hovering over me,
then sitting down on top of me
I was upstanding
It was outstanding, raw, and exciting
No children or adults around, or dogs,
cats or birds, no goldf
I sat there, observing the city people. Frowns upon all our faces. The rain moistened my heart and journal. A blind family; a trio. They used their wands to lead the way.Their faces read joy but, most importantly, satisfaction.My envy filled the damp page.
Someone shoved over a table. A little girl started crying.
Outbreaks of mass communal dancing—sometimes referred to as “choreomania”—occurred in Europe with some frequency in Europe between the 14th and the 18th centuries.
How hard it is to pretend to be someone else. Alone, together, in the silence... I thought about how you must really like me to act quite like that. I wanted to hold your hand and read the unsent love letters.
Speaking of stiff nipples, I heard you once wanted to become a painter, because of your fondness for nipples. Feeling like Gauguin and his little Polynesian women/girls, are we? So, you're going to try to out-paint God, are you, Mr. Sistine Chapel of the
With a notch in his ear from an honor-mad fight
And a tail that is shorter than at last sunlight.
Seamus’ hands are shaking now
that once were still as stalking cats.
I’m up to my ass in social media.
Now they are sleeping in a poppy field, sun-drenched warm afternoon girls lying on their stomachs and sides, faces in flowers, and flowers blowing, blowing. If this afternoon were every afternoon, the world would be cured.
Last night we slept with books in the bed.
I advertised in the local paper for a model.
The way she once felt for another, naked mornings in her bed, and Young Frankenstein. Sed-a-give.
Do you think we die when we age?Or when a car runs over our hearts?We die slowly, minute by minute, every secondBy the time you read this, you've died a little
She doesn’t answer. Ten minutes slide by unmolested in the anesthesia of cheap wine and resignation, the bouncers blurring and unblurring, the room dimming, quieting, the kaleidoscope of sundown giving way to the gentle sadness of candlelight.
"...leafing through the
record selector..."
Things don't always go to plan. Gem knew what people would have said back then, of course. She wasn't stupid.
Beautiful boy! I am doomed / to have attended your presence; / time consumes us, but you / have changed so little...
I once saw a TV commercial that showed a group of Anglo retirees laughing around a card table. The slogan 60 is the new 20 floated beneath their fat, fun-loving heads. My parents are bona fide Baby Boomers. Their lives are build on credit and catchy…
I whispered, “I love you”
and then, “Goodbye”
A nice girl is like powder, quick to anger, fresh, impudent, too quick to know what expletives fate speaks. It was a cold year for trash talk and sheer silk. And yes, the fox was smoking, who could attract or irritate a nice girl with the same look, a wom
—Man, what a tearjerker way to end an interview, said Ben.
I have reasons to believe she’s been stealing.“
“Stealing what?”
—Francesco, said Zambrano, rising from his desk and putting his arm around Frank's shoulder. You and me, we're business partners. Regular capital crime buddies.
Frank met Angelique Brody on the street in front of his building.