Im in bed.
I look at the word bed written on the screen.
It looks like bad but not quite.
I have a bad bed. Lets say my bed is bad.
It is a bed to the extent that it is bad. It is not good, it is bad. It is a bad bed.
I have a bad bed and the bed is bad.
I have a bad bed which is bad and is not good.
It is bad.
I am on the bed. I am on the bad bed. I am lying on the bad bed in my bed-room.
I am in a bed-room. The room with a bed. I am in the bed-room on the bed.
If the bed is bad is the bed-room also bad?
Can the bed be bad but the bed-room remain good or at least neutral?
Can the bed-room be the refuge of the bad bed? Can the bad bed hide in the bed-room?
Can the bed-room give room to the bad bed to become good?
Can the bed-room become a good room for the bad bed?
Is the bed-room part of the bed?
I am in the bedroom on the bed that might be bad. Am I bad?
I am in a bedroom that can be good, am I good?
I am on a bad bed in a good room. Am I good or bad?
Is the bedroom large enough to contain the bed?
Is the bedroom large enough to contain the bad bed?
Is the bedroom large enough to contain both the bad bed and a good bed?
Can the bed-room contain both good and bad?
I am on a bed in a bed-room that might be good or bad or both. Am I good or bad? Am I both?
I am on a bad bed but I feel good. Is the room making me feel good or is it the bad bed?
Is the bed maybe good even though bed sounds like bad?
Can the bed be good but the bed-room bad?
Can I be bad in the good room on top of the bad bed?
Can I be good without being bad?
I am on a bed, in a bed-room and I have no clue if the bed is good or bad. It might be both, it might be neither.
The only thing I know for certain is that a bed is a bed.
It is most likely that the bed cannot be bad without being a bed first.
A bed needs to be a bed for it to be able to be bad. Or good. Or both.
A bed is a bed. I am on it.
I am on the bed in the bed-room.
The bed is in the bed room.
The bed is a bed. The bed-room is a bed-room.
I am on a bed in a bed room and that is fine.
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Love the meta-ness of this piece.*
'meta-ness'..nice one!