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Who Is Don Galt?

24162416 views55 comments22 favs

Don Galt’s butterflies swallowed Peter Robinson’s holdings on a cool and cloudy December afternoon.


10121012 views33 comments33 favs

I’m well aware of the shadow stalking just to my left, her mannish voice flirting with my sensibilities.


11441144 views33 comments33 favs

he wanders the house/ crying for the hairless tomcat/ (gone for the night/ on an overnight job).

Winter in Waveland

10171017 views55 comments22 favs

They build them high they do in Waveland, Mississippi.The tall houses with their skinny thighs spread wide flirting with the dusky coast, like antebellum ladies petticoats lifted, stockings wetted, ankles bared, savingtheir hems from the unpredictable tide,…

An ode to ill-used apostrophe’s

10161016 views33 comments33 favs

Fragment’s of ignorance strewn by a haphazard hand


926926 views55 comments22 favs

It’s not like I could tell anyone. I hum a song my mother sang to me as a child. A dressed-up soprano to calm the tail I’ve grown.

Fictionaut or Not? Write On.

10961096 views99 comments11 fav

Okay, I'm here; I'm participating. Enjoying the back & forth with other writers. Waiting for penises and fetuses to move down the "Most Recent" list, but working around them. Well, that's kind of unintentionally visual.This essay, like many other reads on here, is…

Puppet ABC - 1

826826 views33 comments33 favs

I am not a Road Scholar, ladies & gentlemen, though I’ve been On the Road more than once. Do not mistake me for a bum. I am not a hobo, homeless or otherwise, in this life or any other, I am not a bum, I insist. But I d

just plain Jerry

941941 views77 comments22 favs

I remember one afternoon when Terry and I did it in broad daylight in a nearby park in Lombard, or Glen Ellen. This was after we had broken up already and I was seeing Jolene, I think, before leaving to go out to my writing program at U.C. Irvine. It wa


10671067 views66 comments33 favs

No temporary solace upon this patch of earth, stymied in your injury; labored by your girth.


11791179 views44 comments22 favs

They waited not a moment longer than was necessary But moved right in and Began their loathsome ch


942942 views44 comments22 favs

conflicts in time

Cold, wet and dreary.

907907 views77 comments22 favs

Cold, wet and dreary.The three words that describe Belgium. A country that owns so little identity. Sure, there are the mussels, beer, wafels and chocolate ... But that's about as far as it goes. The lack of identity rules the country, grayness rules the horizon. And…


11351135 views66 comments22 favs

Your brother is not really blind.

step martyr

758758 views33 comments33 favs

my heartis a brokenstandpipefanningcity water cayenneacross sidewalksgutters ripple redover fast food bagsand cigarette buttsover the feetof priests and pit bullsover the handsof drunksand babiesand into the mouthsof ratsand raconteurs you never oughtadrink…


12571257 views77 comments22 favs

Fingers of angry red welts crossed his face and neck.

Couch Potato Blues

907907 views33 comments33 favs

Whenever I get the urge to write a poem I try to talk myself out of it.


18761876 views66 comments11 fav

Holly Hope had met Latest Girlfriend once and was pleased to see that the woman wore stylish dresses, even if the end results looked like Liz Claiborne had tried to clothe a cigarette machine.


10361036 views33 comments33 favs

Nephew Joe, my old brother's son, came to fix our pipes. Strapping, strapless, hairless, tanned, he clinked with gold. He came out to us over the pipes... drip drip...I just wanted them fixed pronto. He took precious time. He cried...drip drip...I wanted him to stop. My…

The Maple Leaf Club

989989 views66 comments22 favs

One of his operas was confiscated when he couldn’t pay a hotel bill. He ended up in a mental home, demented from syphilis.

They Would Judge His Trespasses

11281128 views77 comments22 favs

They waited until the crowd was gone before making their move. Gill kept watch while Warren bypassed the lock. “You sure about this?” Gill whispered. Voices echoed down the hall of the museum.

Treading Water

17071707 views44 comments33 favs

I was nine when I saw my first dead body.

formation of a black hole

11061106 views44 comments22 favs

who can quite say/when careless talk & confidence/slips into that other charged thing/so minimal at first

My Nashville Song

867867 views66 comments22 favs

I smell ham and biscuits I ain't eatin' Triscuits No more No more, no more Gonna get back on my Harley With my mutt named Bisquick Charlie I just ain't eatin’ Triscuits No more, no more And I heard you know the score Yeah, I know you

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 33

11051105 views44 comments22 favs

She’s a gourmet cook who can fake a great orgasm.

Wet Moses Cement

789789 views33 comments33 favs

If you’re trying to carve wise sayings for eternity to read in a newly poured sidewalk you don’t want to be struggling for meaning while the cement is wet.

how i saw you sail

944944 views44 comments22 favs

I had a friend in high school that wore a size G bra and we would take guesses on how much her tits weighed in comparison to the rest of her body. I spent a night wondering how she kept upright.

Every time we kiss, my hair falls out

13461346 views77 comments11 fav

I’m in high leather boots; I’m talking many dead cows here and I respect that

Ode To The Lord's Heavenly Men

12561256 views66 comments22 favs

Women have to suffer

candy crush

11321132 views33 comments33 favs

1. we got off at the same stop. you approached me as i walked towards the stairs. i saw you looking at me, you said. i wasn't. i was looking at your magazine's cover. i don't remember what i said. i wanted to explore how to exist as myself however i wanted. i wanted to get…