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Inside Out

11221122 views33 comments33 favs

Who hasn’t at some point of the day wanted to dredge up everything in your pocket just to see what it is.

Pension Plan

880880 views33 comments22 favs

Let's put a cork in this drain.

1973, what I wanted

10811081 views77 comments33 favs

Not the torn magazine page, not the smell of ink, not the sweat of palm nor the froth of irish spring

Devoured Worship

12911291 views66 comments22 favs

This wasn't going to be about her anymore.She tied her strong purple balloon to the neck of the wounded horse. Her skirt and her top felt like armor's breath. The tingle across her scalp felt warm. Small rug scrapes that made her think of her last dog, before she died.This…

The Sound of Barcelona

16711671 views33 comments22 favs

There’s no obvious difference between two years ago and now but it’s not the moment to contemplate the reason for the racket or why it took so long. Instead, it’s the time to renounce atheism and thank God that the noise has finally finished

How To Make It In America

15001500 views1010 comments11 fav

The punchable faces in Manhattan multiply like cancer...


12911291 views33 comments33 favs

Ten am, and the piledriver behind Rhys's eyes shows no sign of mercy. Beyond the safety glass, caverns of empty air tumble down and out to where the edge of the city is lost in the murk. The figures on the screen pulse and phase with the hideous internal rhythm of his…


11151115 views44 comments33 favs

No, no mother’s tenderness: she shows no sign of that … Do you know that she has them make their own bed? No, not the girl: the boys too! Yes, the boys. She humiliates them.

before hell freezes over completely

11381138 views44 comments33 favs

I remember how silk felt against skin, dressed in my damn flimsy things, while the cold bit my nipples. How I would lie in your arms when I was young, after being awakened from my pubescent slumber. (Enough of that!) In a rush to grow up for good, holdi

Soft Serve

802802 views22 comments22 favs

Smooth slope-topped plateaus Turn liquid as latex, With ridgelines of pearls That separate and run At the rigidly textured Patterned wafercone. Edible scepter, Its liquefying cap Is strictly temporary And mostly…

Coffee Foam

11671167 views55 comments33 favs

We entered the castle at dawn. The dim light feebly illumined an array of antiques and medieval weapons. Bats dangled from the high vaulted ceiling, enfolded in membranous wings. What were once chandeliers radiating light were encrusted with webs and the ancient wax…


13141314 views44 comments33 favs

Shadows from a star Never too close Never too far

Brot und Käse

14741474 views55 comments33 favs

I hoped I did not look as panicked as I tried not to feel.


14401440 views44 comments22 favs

Had I scoured all five boroughs of New York I couldn’t have found a more perfect imperfect object for my affections. Morgan was crazy as a loon, with the common sense of a mackerel and the emotional stability of a canary. But believing love could conquer


249249 views33 comments33 favs

My letters are getting lost in the soup

Playa Conchal

9494 views33 comments33 favs

There is a small resort village on the northwest Pacific shoreline of Costa Rica, within the province of Guanacaste, near a town called Tamarindo. It is arguably the most beautiful of the Esmeralda beaches. Below Playa Hermosa, even further down than Playa Flamingo,…


11471147 views33 comments33 favs

a perfect afternoon

Your Guide to Wi-Fi Security

13231323 views99 comments22 favs

Public Wi-Fi ”hotspots” allow men and women to ogle each other discreetly while pretending to write the Great American Novel.


15061506 views99 comments22 favs

‘Look, look, Quark. Look here. Warthearm. A shiny warthearm.’ Maz was on his elbows and knees, his fat ass sticking out in their air like two cannon-balls ready to be shot off. He was peering at a long, shapeless earthworm, its skin translucent and i

The Art of Removing a Wedding Band

21412141 views55 comments22 favs

If I was going to liberate myself from my marriage to Rosie, the first step ought to be to liberate myself from my wedding band. That wasn't going to be easy. Along with the more prominent rolls of fat I'd been accumulating, my ring finger now bulged over the upper…


12161216 views55 comments22 favs

He spoke the "Why" and it stuck out its tail. He tripped and fell with his face wedged between the W. She kept the answer in her chest so the words wouldn't crowd him where he lay. The "Why" found its way back into his cheeks and puffed his face out like a disease. He…

Induce Me

10731073 views33 comments33 favs

Life's a beach? A bitch? Same thing.

Sticking My Head Out of the Car Window

10311031 views66 comments22 favs

Standing on the beach, watching the waves crash onto the shore, before the storm. It is easy to understand why dogs like sticking their head out of the car window. Standing on my favorite part of the beach, merely feet from the beach house. The house you weren't…

The Perfect Day

12111211 views22 comments11 fav

Robbie Lange closed his laptop and leaned back in his chair. Yawning, he looked out the window into the black night. Another evening at the office, he thought. He counted the other lit windows in the skyscrapers around his building. “Goodnight, everyone

Darkroom Tech

12651265 views88 comments22 favs

Entering that darkroom is like slipping through the barrel of a rifle.


687687 views22 comments22 favs

Hygga was on the French news tonight. Hygga is big in France. And Scandinavia, of course. I'd never heard of it. Hygga comes from a Danish word meaning “to give courage, comfort, joy.” It stems from hyggia, which means to think in Old Norse, and is related to…

The Taming

12601260 views66 comments33 favs

N-n-never screamscold a cat.


11731173 views55 comments33 favs

“You’ve put all my anorexic friends on the table nearest the buffet,” I say. “And all my bulimic friends on the other side of the room away from the buffet and the toilets.”

A Rare Meteor Shower

991991 views22 comments33 favs

Now, as we sat on lawn chairs / on the balcony to watch the meteor shower

Rule of exchange

10891089 views33 comments11 fav

She seizes my hand. I resist just enough to sense her strength.