I will never waste my sick time on my own sicknesses unless I am in a coma.
nothing. But it could be something. I don't know. We'd probably have to agree on at least one thing for it to turn around and face us. Then it would have to be named, set free. We could watch it fly away together. That's a portend to…
Gun Notches
Working Stiffs
Garlic Torch
Dog Crouch
Ein Zwei Drei
Fake German Soldier
Wet Tissue
Tissue Paper Pants
Tough Stain
Adam and Evil
Closed Loophole
Wait For It
Fiscal Cliff and the Cliffhangers
I walk through nameless
streets, narrow and winding,
past shops selling scarves,
spices, skins.
‘So what exactly did you decide?'It was two years later that Sato-san put the question to me. The two of us had been hiding for two bloody years, moving about in the marshes along the river, living off small, skimpy meals. We couldn't turn back to our unit, because Cesaru…
Unconsciously she shook her head at her own weakness in coming out to see Wayne when things were in shambles at home. Guilt had beat resolve in the cosmic game of rock paper scissors.
It's lunch in the car time at 5:30 pm
The car sits next to the mattress delivery truck
in hope of receiving a blanket of shade
so many bills to pay
the list keeps shedding its skin like a snake
Cacao production had always been a tenuous enterprise insofar as commercial cacao tree cultivation had always been limited roughly to the land zones within twenty degrees of the equator north and south.
Our trouble decided when the CUNY PhD student, a poet, cried out, “Racination!” during discussion of my poem.
If you ever find yourself outside a funeral home lighting up
contemplating the future of the unknown, contemplate this
Maybe the cigarette’s wet on your lip and you are wondering why
Or in the middle of the night you are lying awake
and try sa
Some fiftysomething woman with a small dog in her arms was waiting for him, backstage. Security hadn't succeeded in restraining her. Strange.
circa the early 90s, Buzz Aldrin and my father had been invited to a dinner at someone's house on Bainbridge Island and gotten lost.
Oh I'm melting all right, into a foul vapor rising from a dead volcano, not even able to spit fire, but only cold old frozen rock like dribbles of putrid plasma.
That twig looks pretty dead to me,
He will never ever be a man.
My friend, drunk, spoke to me / outside a bar where we hung out; / and his eyes were red from tiredness,
I wriggled in the bed and felt the sheets soaked with perspiration. My arms were lined with tape and tubing, needles pressed in veins. I reached for the cloth again and again, and every time they stopped me. The hands that came were cold and hard, urgent
Your usage of the English language / is awkward and passé—
I contemplate the words that did not make it; the lost ones. The words deprived of their moment in the sun. These words. These words that are not part of the story.
The arrangements of lights on the cracking towers are a segment of Orion’s belt, the handle of the Big Dipper and a section of Andromeda’s spine.
James Hubert III sat at the bar. It was late. His wife and kids were long in bed and he knew he should be, too. But with the Lovelandtown lift bridge stuck in mid-air, a drink beckoned him. He sat next to Vince DeSantos, a small, stout man, with a bowling
I admit it ... I started writing when I was completely depressed. When I had nothing else to do than just sit back, relax, feel bad and wait until the hurricane slowly passed by (luckily there were few casualties).I thought I was an exception ... but a lot of…
They divided over worthless gain, while I came too late for the battle.
To be free of pain. Is that what we all want?
I was quite alone in this small room with the tarp and the dying fire.
the moon's got it out for
the far-sighted
punkish usuper supping
on the upswing of
a downward slope
The light is always on in reality
The Gelatinous Mass is not something made up
By the Catholic Church
And even though a small deer may have come to the side of the road once
To lick the salt from your wounds
There will definitely be cheap fish