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Asking an Accomplished Poet Friend to Read My Poetry in a Starbucks at 2PM on a Thursday

12481248 views66 comments22 favs

Your usage of the English language / is awkward and passé—

The Purple Prose of Cario

12241224 views33 comments33 favs

I contemplate the words that did not make it; the lost ones. The words deprived of their moment in the sun. These words. These words that are not part of the story.

Book of Days

12311231 views55 comments33 favs

The arrangements of lights on the cracking towers are a segment of Orion’s belt, the handle of the Big Dipper and a section of Andromeda’s spine.

Lovelandtown Tavern

701701 views44 comments44 favs

James Hubert III sat at the bar. It was late. His wife and kids were long in bed and he knew he should be, too. But with the Lovelandtown lift bridge stuck in mid-air, a drink beckoned him. He sat next to Vince DeSantos, a small, stout man, with a bowling

Low down dirty fame.

10431043 views55 comments33 favs

I admit it ... I started writing when I was completely depressed. When I had nothing else to do than just sit back, relax, feel bad and wait until the hurricane slowly passed by (luckily there were few casualties).I thought I was an exception ... but a lot of…

In Virtual Medieval Europe

11081108 views44 comments33 favs

They divided over worthless gain, while I came too late for the battle.

Against Nothing

810810 views44 comments22 favs

To be free of pain. Is that what we all want?

Shadow Play

12301230 views66 comments11 fav

I was quite alone in this small room with the tarp and the dying fire.

Sink, Sunk

14021402 views44 comments22 favs

the moon's got it out for the far-sighted punkish usuper supping on the upswing of a downward slope

Things You Should Know, By Heart, If You Must

784784 views44 comments33 favs

The light is always on in reality The Gelatinous Mass is not something made up By the Catholic Church And even though a small deer may have come to the side of the road once To lick the salt from your wounds There will definitely be cheap fish

things to know about the people parked along the road that runs through Humboldt Park: part 1

966966 views66 comments33 favs

It was as if every wrong foisted upon his ancestors stirred up a war in him and he was charged with intending the canon at the living.


13241324 views44 comments33 favs

She vs her.


763763 views33 comments33 favs

I come here, to this very spot for a reason. Imagine — the illusion of knowing what is and is not. The contentment drops taste — one could suppose — like that.

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 19

13081308 views77 comments33 favs

His wings were down when he got into the truck. It was a used UPS truck we’d bought from someone in Berkeley, and we painted out the letter “S,” so that it just read “UP.”

My Stuff

11281128 views55 comments33 favs

Crass, vulgar, boorish, impaired, angry, depressed, jealous, regretful.

My Mother Was a Bluebird - song

907907 views33 comments33 favs

My mother was a bluebird Who flew from tree to tree My father was a pilot Who flew right over me Her soul is still living There upon my tree My dad’s evaporated Right in front of me My brother’s soul has wandered Far away I see I

Ashes to Ashes

11041104 views66 comments33 favs

Day by day people went missing. Reports of the ads being answered with a robocall solution to their problems were at first unconfirmed. Yesterday my best friend told me his emotional distress call was going to be channeled into a free trip to what he call

On Freedom.

207207 views55 comments33 favs

Unbind the memory’s Filthy rags So she is free to wear Lipstick, fishnets, and fuck me shoes.


22362236 views55 comments44 favs

It rained on the morning of the party, and the weatherman promised it would continue throughout the day. But Marilyn didn't mind. She actually preferred entertaining in bad weather. Her rugs weren't valuable enough to worry about, and the gloomier the sky

How We Open Doors

889889 views44 comments33 favs

-- as if I had / only rung the rusted bell --

Her Man in the Navy Blues

11261126 views66 comments33 favs

In that time when the trunk was getting cleared out and when it became only the empty shell of what had once been so important, many things hit the match. She burned an old black negligee, a picture competing with the likes of a Vargas girl and other thin

The Stranger

10301030 views55 comments33 favs

“I can't go to sleep,” Jonathan said, laying on the doctor's couch. He counted on his fingers to keep his mind active. “I'll certainly die if I do.”

Thursday at the Office

12261226 views11 comment22 favs

David looked at the plaque sitting on top of his computer monitor and wondered if he’d even touched it since he’d placed it there. He picked it up and brushed off six years’ worth of dust into the wastebasket on top of the mustard-stained sandwich wrappe

A Requiem For The Heavyweights

11781178 views44 comments33 favs

Breathe a stench of Eton musk...

this never happened and yet i tell myself it did each morning

11831183 views99 comments22 favs

i watch my mind not wanting to touch the vanished rusty notes remain objects of consciousness heaven and hell inside us each moment birds fly through mental speech dark garden rain olive green cool breath of betrayal siempre mixed with greed awakens…

There Are Over 200 Religions In the World

791791 views44 comments33 favs

I am the man who was fired from a thousand jobs I was the model you saw pointing at the gleaming red Maserati At the Miami Art Fair, as if you did not already see it I was the girl named Calorie in that infamous diet commercial I was the boy named

The Underwater Afterlife of Memory

14281428 views66 comments33 favs

My fingers are shining in the underwater afterlife of memory searching for the nipple-sized mollusks searching for the solid nature of things left over from having lived a life at all That new rain smell, specifically I remember that,

The Mosaic Thief

16461646 views66 comments11 fav

Bit by bit I was traveling away, we thought. Maybe I’d join myself, all together, in Toronto. Or in an industrial coffee can. Or in the closet. “Check the closet,” I pointed.


836836 views44 comments33 favs

strange daysi'm having lunch with the babyand we're talking about people-watchingand old souls and coffee and twizzlersit's a weird conversation but she's my babyso something about some apple not falling far from the treewould best fit in herebut anywayi feel like i'm…

Sweet Jane

11741174 views66 comments33 favs

I feel so glamorous when I talk to Andy on the phone