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The Velocity of a Clitoris

14391439 views1414 comments33 favs

Unfortunately, the question had a similar impact on me that a command not to have thought about rhinoceroses would have—once suggested, I could think of little else

Looney Tunes

11531153 views66 comments44 favs

I put my arms around her and whisper to her while she plays the piano. She wiggles and tells me to stop it.

The Violent Kind

10501050 views44 comments44 favs

But my point is, this isn’t a Thomas Kinkade. It’s not like you can pay me fifty dollars and I can drive to the Twombly store and buy another Twombly.


11901190 views1111 comments33 favs

Ego bereft of consistency Betrays a heart hungering to toll. Unable to trust its will Or harbor imaginary gods, It gains a hold melding into a role whose proven viability Can give convincing cover To buy time to fabricate An identity that feels unique, Yet…

Avatar Of Chaos

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He has one good eye and is missing the other. The socket of his missing eye squints with a disturbing and unfathomable insight.

A Little Man on a Rainy Corner

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He is sitting in the infinite rain and the water is making him some infinite silhouette

The Instrument

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She wore no bra. As she jammed the truck into park and pushed against the heavy door, he saw the points of her nipples against her dress. Ice filled his belly, the most beautiful pink-colored ice.

Our Graves

12171217 views55 comments44 favs

But no matter how we died, we all end up here, in the Meadowlark Children's Cemetery.

Love in the Afternoon

11591159 views66 comments44 favs

“What took you so long?” she asks. She seldom asks me that when we’re done, but today I feel ready to protract the glory, to tease out its rise and fall like the lingering chords of a Debussy pastorale.

SantaBot, Can You Hear Me?

12411241 views88 comments44 favs

Mimi: Santa, I am so down with taking a number, but I really can't have you reading that particular story. Santa: Let me be the judge of that. I am Santa. I give presents to kids.

If My Book...

11421142 views44 comments44 favs

If Single Stroke Seven were a cocktail, it would be a Bloody Mary made of one part Worcestershire sauce, the other part gas station vodka, and ketchup and hot sauce packets swiped from fast food joints. Chill with ice crystals chiseled off freezer walls,

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 21

11021102 views77 comments44 favs

Francesco needed a magnifying glass to read her little missives.

Not Particles but Waves

768768 views77 comments44 favs

not in the interest of verisimilitude/ for there's plenty of that in each day already/ as trajectories interrupt other trajectories

Trick Horse

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The trick rider arches

Primary Creative

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French citizens. The friends were all citizens of a half-assed France. The friends were all half-assed citizens of a French stance. Carol was more American, more eggnog, more cream-of-wheat. She represented dull victory.

Time Melts and Means Nothing

10701070 views1212 comments33 favs

I think we love sex because it brings us so close to the heat of creation that we can see the smoldering flames and the light rising from twigs being rubbed together between the legs. Okay – your turn!

When the Well Runs Dry

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and the moon shines on like a silver dollar and coyotes in the desert scream and holler

ARE YOU: An ode to overthinking brought on by having too much time to think. To be recited in your best Julie Andrews voice.

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Are you interesting?Are you clever?Are you, maybe often, sometimes never?Are you shining? Pining?Are you glowing?Are you worth knowing?Are you a life without zest?Are you mainlining strife …


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Santa’s ruddy snoze/

Song of the Needle

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The Black Thing spread over the room, eating away his mother's face as well as the doctors and nurses who dashed in a frenzy around him until they too were swallowed in the black singing cloud.


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She is alone in the ocean

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 23

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After the Tokyo experience, Frank and Michiko decided that when she went on extended tours, Frank would accompany her.

Her 68th Easter

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There was only the sound of crickets.

The Eyes

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I've never liked kind eyes;I prefer drive.Or fire.And when a woman's eyes are described as "doe,"I hear "dumb."Like an animal.

I Want a Lover, Not a Saint

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Her tits were perfect But came with a white picket fence Around them

How Circular Turns Infinity

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No Alternative

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This story* is brought to you by

Death Masking Love

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She brought the ends of her fingers to her mouth and moistened them in her warm saliva. The whorls of her prints glistened in the harsh light of the room, but it wasn't her own outlines she was interested in raising. His hand lay outstretched in his…

The Misfortune 500

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When I first started out in my working career, I made it the habit of obtaining jobs with companies that were about to go under. (I wrote more books while on unemployment than by any other method.) I was a real bloodhound at sniffing out the pre-dawn od

The Truth

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His people eat soggy casseroles and smile with tight lips.