Nick Seagers

Location Boston

Books by Nick Seagers
  • by Nick Seagers, 2009.
  • About Me

    Nick Seagers lives in Boston with his wife and a cat who sniffs squirrel underpants. He has written, designed and published several projects over the past few years, and is finalizing a plan to bring Jell-o Pudding Pops to it’s former glory.

    Why do you write?

    I love stories. There isn't much a story can't tell or make you feel if done properly. Those are the kinds of stories I've tried to write all my life.

    Nick Seagers's Wall

    Cherise Wolas – Dec 09, 2010

    Nick, thanks so much for your nice words on Ping Pong!

    Robert Vaughan – Nov 19, 2010

    Hi Nick, anyone who owns a cat that sniffs squirrel underpants is an immediate friend. Welcome!

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