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Epiphany on a July Morning

12381238 views66 comments44 favs

It's that day in July when you feel really bummed because you can't find your favorite white sleeveless shirt that you wear on the hottest days of the yea

Annals of the Naked Rowdies #3

11301130 views1515 comments44 favs

It was a dire and dun-colored year when groupies wept and autograph seekers put down their pens.


12611261 views44 comments33 favs

"Hey, man. All we represent to them, man, is somebody who needs a haircut."

You Friend Me On Facebook

14191419 views77 comments22 favs

You look just like your mom she says I LOL her and say, funny cuz you look just like yours

Resource Management

10851085 views1010 comments33 favs

’m sure they have their/ cleverest working on it, though.


14891489 views1111 comments44 favs

A young woman in shorts removes her sunglasses, putting them on top of her head in order to study a little girl sitting on her father’s lap on the bus. “I want to get me one of those,” she’s says, smiling. Dark eyes, her dark hair wet and hangin


15391539 views55 comments44 favs

I am an icon of drunken ruin, sunken cheeks and shaggy face Breath like molded barley and eyes like old oysters placid and grey, devoid of illuminating thought

Still Life with Dragonfruit and Absinthe Glass

837837 views77 comments33 favs

Still Life with Dragon Fruit and Absinthe Glass ‚ Allgegenwart ist Einsamkeit. ‘. — Johannes Jakob Hrodebertsohn …And bright inside this space, though outside lightfall? The spillaging of streetlamps does not cross the…

Lipstick in the Kitchen

12561256 views88 comments44 favs

In the middle of the floor squatted a sway-backed butcher block that appeared to have been chopped upon with such force as to make it cower.

The Water

704704 views55 comments55 favs

The phenomena of this water formed the first definite link in that vast chain of apparent miracles with which I was destined to be at length encircled.

Beginning Amy Clampitt

839839 views55 comments55 favs

The walks along the beach/ render brave, meticulous, taxonomies

the rest of sleep

712712 views44 comments44 favs

peripheral dreams fall out from the head / the body squirms then burrows abed: / “have you had a good life? you now have less! / —led a hard life instead? you soon will be gone!”

The Sickness of your Genius

135135 views55 comments44 favs

This is not about you Although you are stone cold and sexy

The City's Not For You

10961096 views55 comments44 favs

You left your quiet life for a home in the city.

After Detox

15921592 views77 comments55 favs

When detox-man drives away, the windows down, the radio playing on the classic rock station (The Eagles), he thinks about moving out of town.

For the young couple in the stairwell passed on my way to teaching Medieval World Literature

14041404 views44 comments55 favs

I have/been you/years before/of course

A Beggar's Welcome

11961196 views44 comments55 favs

. . . it's all we ever want -- the holding.

Supersymmetric: Almost but not quite

13011301 views66 comments44 favs

As black as his socks with a hole in them she used to sew while watching. The octopus has three hearts you know. Yes, No and Maybe. As black as inkpots, inkjets, as black as typewriter ribbons and the Gutenberg press, as black as the ink of a trillion

The Serious Writer Tracks His Stats

14081408 views77 comments44 favs

The officers carried him away in cuffs as he yelled "I NEED STATS! PLEASE! JUST GIVE ME THE STATS!"

Bosch's Last Words

13741374 views66 comments55 favs

I / go my / way alone

New Year's Eve

13401340 views55 comments44 favs

Quail looked up at her. Unsmiling, challenging. Lemme just go wash my hands, he said. She closed the door, bolted it. You won’t need your hands.

Boy's Worst Friend

13811381 views44 comments33 favs

After dinner, I looked forward to taking a shower and cleansing myself of the day’s mishap. Cher had other plans.As I left the bathroom, Cher nipped me in the butt, taking my towel, skin, and blood with her. I remember writhing on the floor outside my sis

Brown Paper

13261326 views77 comments44 favs

“Americans like beer, right?” he asks. “It’s not acceptable for a woman to buy beer.” He proffers it in a brown paper bag.

Tonight's Special

449449 views44 comments44 favs

I didn't arrive at the Wicked Spoon every night in the same mood. Some nights I would arrive under the spell of a generous emptiness, what I like to call the euphoria of futility. Not exactly a state of bliss, but a dazed detachment in which everything is so pointlessly…


11211121 views55 comments44 favs

a big silent western sky

Drunken Terrorists Act

781781 views99 comments44 favs

They asked each other at Court-suggested AA meetings: What can Texas do but throw us in jails already packed with low-life scum?

In the Sequence of Events

969969 views55 comments44 favs

Eroica sprawled among/ the horns and violins


19981998 views44 comments55 favs

It’s true enough my status as honorary male has come in handy in my profession, but I never considered matters of the flesh. I feel a surge of warmth between my thighs as if a cock is dangling there, thick and florid. The sensation is oddly exciting.

In the Jukebox Light

15631563 views88 comments44 favs

At first we envied Tom and Betty’s dancing. Friday nights at The Big Club, Saturdays at Mickey’s, and none of us can remember a time we saw them in the arms of another partner.

The Silken(revised version)

747747 views66 comments55 favs

tentacles of stringy rains opens up the stage antics for this common February day to the fidgety audience at hand but it appears that they just won't be able to grab on, not this time. The familiar grumpy wind with…