"What happened to the Starbucks?"
the white haired lady in front of me
Asked the guy in front of her.
He mumbled. She mumbled.
The cashier kept moving stuff.
Her turn.
"Is it closed for good?" she asked me.
"Oh look at this..." Showing me her snapped mask string.
Guy behind me grunted.
I told her Daiso next door has masks.
"My earring," she said. "It got caught."
"Come ON," he grunted.
And they are made so flimsy but I have a big box like 50 at home but what good does that do me now? I can't believe the Starbucks is closed for good...
She had paid, but she hurried off
leaving behind her groceries
and a Starbucks cup
that was half full.
I hurried my transaction
But caught a glimpse
The Guy Behind Me
only had one item.
And he looked too young
to fully grasp
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151 words
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This happened yesterday while I was trying to get out of the L.A. Supermarket From Hell in my hood, in the "Express" Lane.
Having just had a supermarket brain cramp, this hits painfully home.
The white haired lady is fully drawn. And the guy and the narrator too. even the cashier. So well done. Love the ending too.
Anything but "express." And like Dianne said, "well done."*
"And they are made so flimsy but I have a big box like 50 at home but what good does that do me now? I can't believe the Starbucks is closed for good..."
Especially like the way the pace quickens in this piece - cutting all the way to the end: "too young / to fully grasp / Loneliness."
Good work. *