404 5 4
Ever since he left, I have been alone with the tree. We had planted it together. A green twig in the middle of the garden and a knotty stick, running around. Fingers and branches have grown. Very fast. Too fast. When he left, I sat in the shade. There I started writing, and…
835 11 4
There is no need to worry about art. Art in its ideal forms stays safe. Real art resists being the object of attention. It directs your gaze, and it swings in you forever.
689 4 4
1288 7 5
“It’s a sad thing,” I said, “when a man has to suffer just for getting a little on the side.”
891 5 4
I suspect I’ll make the right decision.
1186 6 4
You left paint and blood smeared on the wall.
1374 8 4
When Roger was small his two favorite toys were a tiny, squat doll called Care and a rubber millipede.
271 6 4
I offer you an orangeYou say you'd prefer an appleI offer you an orangeYou say, noI want an appleYou say you had a bad experienceWith eating an orangeHmm, I sayYes, but what does it matter?You say you are not eating the orangeUnder no circumstances will you everEat an…
1164 5 4
before your full lips touch
1297 10 4
Lapping salt beads from/
my crackling, ecstatic lips.
996 7 4
It was if you memorized my ever detail but not the why.
And perhaps that is what love is. Was that love?
I lie in bed waiting for the man who came after you
to join me. I hear his heavy footsteps and know
he wants to go to Hawaii too,
when our bud
1288 10 4
The loss of my first mentor came as a harsh blow. Roaming the forest with my dog Rosie just wasn’t the same. Her heart was in the right place, but when it came to armed combat, Rosie just didn’t have the goods.
919 5 4
1250 4 3
I wrote this paragraph (the first in a series of 14 paragraphs) shortly after Frank Sinatra had died and during my last visit to my boyfriend, M. He had not seen me write something in years.
1062 6 4
i am two / one part me / another part them
846 5 5
She’s an old soul who was
scattered to the winds
like a thousand butterflies
and a moth
She has no center
and flits from event to event
and can’t miss out on
a thing, because crikey,
what if she missed something
And the m
1364 6 3
Every day is exactly the same.
1088 5 4
He stopped believing in God when he learned how balls worked. Spermatocytes turned into spermatids and spermatids turned into spermatozoa, the transition taking place in tiny loop de loops called the seminiferous tubules which contain at least three…
470 7 4
1660 8 3
For fifteen years Wendy waited for Harry to leave his wife. From time to time, there’d been ultimatums, break-ups too, but they never stuck. Now Wendy’s luck was about to change.
It was Tuesday, Wendy and Harry’s standing night to be together. His wif
982 5 4
cold plunges its lethal chill spade/into the dirt before cold takes the earth/to ossify it stiff with ice/the semblance of cold the semblance of death/said only to be felt this side of the grave.
1198 4 4
My head was swimming with nicotine, the coldness of the first snow, and unfinished love thoughts.
1044 6 4
It is not really about boxing.
1257 4 4
She couldn’t help but wonder what 93 year-old Sohrabjee looked for in the torn, dusty lithograph of Marilyn in Persia one of the orderlies had stuck to the wall of the corridor outside Jasmine Wing decades ago.
1426 8 4
He beats the girl, stabs her 22 times, rapes her, then uses his fingertips to push her orbital sockets into the back of her head before killing her. At trial, he laughs about whether or not there…
1257 1 2
she shivered in the ceasefire like a virginal nude brought to life.
1186 8 4
. . . with reference to the Compass of Discourse
1380 6 5
the names / she carried (within)
1579 9 3
Midway through the fall semester, an unremarkable girl in Professor Woody's Advanced Fiction workshop dyed her hair an unnatural shade of dark, changed her name to Tasmina, and turned in a story filled with made-up words.
1282 9 4
Once upon a time there was a Vietnamese restaurant. And then there were two, and four, and eight...