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There are Grandmas and there is my Grandma.

21972197 views55 comments44 favs

Last night Grandma got her walker stuck in the snow almost up to her tits. I feel the mark of a dutiful grandson is to come to her aid. And I always do. Even though she usually gets back home at 2 00 a.m. — or maybe 3 — sometimes she's late and we worry but I…

Stretching to Understand

13191319 views99 comments33 favs

You looked like someone I didn't want to know. I guess that's why I got in the car that night. My penchant for self-destruction was aroused by your black nail polish and the lavender circles under your eyes. You looked like someone that could hurt me, yeah, that's why I got…

And then the Heat Broke

16801680 views77 comments22 favs

She did not know Robert’s skin was sliced and bruised from the twelve pound ball and chain locked to his ankle for sixteen hours that night.


14111411 views77 comments44 favs

My mother's afraid the dog will drown. It's raining and our street is flooding and the dog is standing on top of his doghouse. My mother is pregnant. I can stand beneath her stomach and not even see her face. I watch her from the kitchen window. She's shoeless. She holds…

Fatherhood 101

11451145 views99 comments44 favs

The instructor moved over to the whiteboard and wrote in big block letters “FOOTBALL” and then crossed it out. “You should just never treat your newborn like a football. That means no passing it or punting it.

Will #17

16201620 views88 comments44 favs

I want crazy at my funeral. I want clowns, a petting zoo, fireworks, craps tables, male and female strippers, and a three-person band composed of old men wearing striped vests, black pants, and straw hats: one plays a banjo, another on tuba, and…

The Bird King's employees

11401140 views55 comments44 favs

The Bird King's advisors and ministers are a range of rusty kitchen utensils. They all observe a respectful silence in his presence.——Contrary to popular belief, the Bird King is not an atheist. His meathook priests do their rounds at twilight.——The…

Monaco Memories

820820 views88 comments44 favs

Back then he raced, grinding gears and skimming the edges of death.

Early Decision

11181118 views1010 comments33 favs

Melinda said forget the kegger last night, what we’re about to do will help you figure out whether you want to apply here.

Saturday Morning

13271327 views1010 comments22 favs

Saturday morning, and I’m pushing the old truck a little, chasing retreating bands of cloud shadows along a winding hilltop road.

Not Everything's Supposed to Make You Think

10061006 views66 comments55 favs

you are on a missing boat in the middle Of a fogged out notion of some sort. A no nonsense paddle could be made out Of something as intangible as an Incoming wave. This could also be a Floating thought up map, man. In…

Too Weak for the World

12491249 views55 comments55 favs

There was a certain romanticism in it, the salty old man sidling up to me at a bar, rhapsodizing in a slurred stream of conscious about the state of the world, the country, the state of his own heart. He didn't have an eye patch nor beard, nor was he…

Paying for Dinner at a French Restaurant So You Will Love Me

13981398 views55 comments55 favs

What does she have / that I don’t have / that I can’t buy / for myself?


12111211 views1313 comments33 favs

—It’s difficult to say, he said. I have mood swings. Women don’t like that. They become upset.

Work of a Reader

890890 views66 comments55 favs

Then it gets worse—this reading of books—I go to the café and can only read a minimalist there, one crouton at a time.

The Glassblower

11311131 views66 comments44 favs

His beloved are paper-thin when he blows into the free end. Green tint from copper.

A Bad Year

11811181 views55 comments55 favs

It's been a bad year, People dying. Some too close to home, Some too far away. I cry down to you, In your casket, and think you might sit up. You were not sick You went in just a moment, Looking stunning and alive. Not…

What You Choose to Take

11641164 views66 comments55 favs

You first hear about the wildfire on the old kitchen radio.

Homonyms Explicated

922922 views55 comments55 favs

right/rite: Your touch smooth as impulse/ Swaying my mind


14471447 views77 comments44 favs

She said he was missing the whole point: it was a decoration, not an actual pillow. You were supposed to place it somewhere artful.

Genesis Serpent’s Skin Found

13121312 views55 comments55 favs

This may be too religious for you, as at first it was so with me. But I assure you, on my scholarly integrity, I have found the Genesis Serpent’s skin! Yes, that Genesis Serpent--though just a leftover piece of him,

A Shower of Rain

10561056 views66 comments44 favs

You have at least an intermittent belief.


11561156 views66 comments44 favs

bassackward/in the surreal/bathroom mirror

Going Back in Time: Song

10751075 views55 comments55 favs

If we go back in time We are living in tents If we go back in time We are living in caves We are fighting over rivers We are fighting over fields Near the soft edges of slime If we go back in time Nothing would have us And we had t

Planet Crabby

28062806 views77 comments44 favs

On Planet Crabby a boy met a girl and a girl met a boy but neither couple got anywhere because they dismissed their prospective partner as just plain too crabby. Alternative arrangements were unthinkable. This happened a number of times.

Hey Old Lady! Want To Buy A Reverse Mortgage?

12201220 views55 comments44 favs

Facebook just hit me with an ad for coping with memory loss, probably because I just turned 63. As far as my favorite social media site is concerned, I am now an Old Lady. When I asked my Facebook pals who are also Seniors what kind of promotions have been turning up…

Masquerade II

11281128 views1414 comments44 favs

. . . once you start reading and thinking about what he's saying, it's like looking at the reflection of your soul in a mirror . . .


16611661 views55 comments44 favs

The morning of her suicide, Nonny Rice received a letter.

I Scream

12971297 views1818 comments33 favs

she peeled back the white wrapper from around her ice cream sandwich slowly, methodically

Hurricane Shutters

15251525 views44 comments66 favs

The thing that really gets you about the house is the hurricane shutters. They're up already, even though it's the end of May, because Buck's uncle is back in Rhode Island for the summer and he's prepped the house on Key Largo like Armageddon is coming.