by Jerry Ratch
If we go back in time
We are living in tents
If we go back in time
We are living in caves
We are fighting over rivers
We are fighting over fields
Near the soft edges of slime
If we go back in time
Nothing would have us
And we had to move on
Our parents, big animals
Who wanted our caves
If we go back in time
We are nothing but slime
Our heads are covered meekly
In rainbows, that is all
If we go back in time
We live around 55 gal drums
We smoke weed
And drum all night long
We sing dirges and songs
Where we don't belong
If we go back in time
We don't even live at all
We live in boxcars
Rolling across continents
We live with horses
In a stall
If we go back in time
Far enough to see the future
We don't even live
We don't live at all
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Good one, Jerry.*
We just have better tools. Same shit otherwise. *
"we sing dirges and songs".
"we sing dirges and songs".