1067 7 5
Does sound shape silence/
or silence shape sound?
1346 9 5
Parsimony, Sage Advice, Alimony, and Time.
That would be one.
The Waste Land. The Hollow Men. The Red Wheelbarrow.
There are others,
But I have definite shoe anxiety dreams and can’t get over them.
Do not Go Gently Into That Good Night. Alone
1123 6 6
Winter will be cold this year, you tell her. You read that. She says she is with child with her new husband. You tell her she's forty-five, it is selfish. The baby. It's fine. You demand to be at her tests. Evan may let you, she says. He's a doll. She would never use that…
1755 8 5
On the table the image is by Chardin but the puzzle is by someone else and that is what he has dumped out of the box.
1256 7 4
Easing her hand with her other hand.
144 8 5
1286 5 6
facts of matters are not as they seem,/hour by hour crafty comments creep in,/another hour and "the good" is a horror:/ our human blindness is older than our sight.
1543 10 5
1.There's a young woman in a nightclub seated next to a window out of which she watches the slow descent of snow, illuminated by strategic lights. She imagines herself falling with those flakes. Her friend has left her for the dance floor. The young woman is…
1317 7 5
TV and power cord valorized in dust,/
wires and digital guts unimpaired, I’d guess . . .
1297 6 6
The coffin-sized pit in his basement wasn’t freshly dug.
1314 7 5
The Devil and the Holy Ghost played Euchre on Friday nights. The Devil drank rock and rye and the Holy Ghost went for Miller Lite. What just irks hell out of me, pardon my French, the Ghost began, is that nobody knows who the fuck I am.
1316 10 5
Okay, it was a long shot but who in that room wasn’t desperate to shift that shit? All our jobs depended on it.
1409 7 3
1454 5 5
The generalized mania and rage was for anything prior, the rare and the bygone, anything that might have been overlooked, anything that might otherwise have been forgotten for good and forever.
1305 6 6
some answers are enough to make you cry or laugh yourself to death
1206 7 5
The sea is transparent rubber, and peering down into it I recognize the shiny fish in suspended animation, their partially exploded bodies obscured by their own blood.
282 8 5
1092 10 5
Did they do it in pairs or all at the same time?
1242 8 4
(the vast preponderance of dark matter and dark energy discernible in these latter days begins to suggest just how dark the humor of existence is) . . .
1683 8 6
My natural blonde hair is no longer sultry. Instead of a Dietrich look, I now assume a dead on impression of Bette Davis in "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane" some mornings.
1628 6 5
We agreed I would go back up
to the cabin for another bottle.
968 6 6
Tell me how beautiful I am and I'll dance for you Tell me how much you love my smile and I'll kiss you softly Paint a picture of me and I will lie still Let me see your smile and watch me exhale Rock me back and forth and my eyes close I see rocky shores and…
1526 7 6
She realised that things you can't prove can be more intimate than the things you know to be true.
919 7 6
would absolutely love to hear from you singing as careless as a cat choir as you make your fingertip wishes well known to the dishwasher night,want you to be ever so playful with your environments as you please. While (those)…
61 6 6
1113 7 5
you can't always get what you want
960 6 5
and any stain or streak/
is as you will or wish it
1072 8 5
Ah we just sat on the flat roof of the school and looked out at what was beyond because sometimes there is nothin' to do but sit on a flat roof of a school and look out at what is beyond. Going up there I had told him to be careful with the bag because if he didn't take…
789 8 5
Yes sir, I confess there have been timeswhen I did not care how young the earth isor take pride in how she sprang back to greenregardless of how hard the snow fought.There have been times, yes, when I lacked the willto notice such things and knew that belowthe water's…
1323 8 5
I get that drunk feeling right before it starts to rain. The sky is dark and heavy and the clouds break open with a flash and suddenly there is water running down all of the windows like one million pairs of eyes crying hard. The street is suddenly …