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My Book of Frozen Ponds

853853 views88 comments55 favs

We broke our hearts rather than sit in your reversible seats with the plain brown paper packages tied on our laps, we did so together. You don't want to hear about that. It gets too close to the actual murder of love. I…

Blood By Pines

14711471 views55 comments55 favs

But all that they found at the top was bloody red spatters on pure white snowflakes. And beyond that footprints that got smaller and smaller until they disappeared completely into the spicy green pines.

How to travel with your Demons (3)

13311331 views66 comments66 favs

Watch her now as she tries to not smoke. Considers, reconsiders. Checks her nylon bag for her phone charger, and lights a cigarette anyway, which she immediately extinguishes in the kitchen sink.

So Many Questions?

599599 views99 comments44 favs

“Are you my neighbor in 3D?” Was she?


18191819 views88 comments44 favs

I watched myself tilt my head and coyly smile in the bottom right corner of the chat window-the two off-kilter lamps in the room were casting an asymmetrical shadow over half my face.

Fake Empire (Thanks Matt)

13181318 views55 comments55 favs

Your voice is yearning, Like a sad song on the radio, A yarn spun to make hearts break.

In the Woods

16921692 views1212 comments22 favs

...a blunt thrust of a face, uncongenial in profile, and the ubiquitous green cap that says John Deere, with the yellow ideogram of a deer for graduates of our local schools.

First Date

11051105 views88 comments55 favs

Both men sip their Cabernet Franc.

Haikus for Miss Winehouse

983983 views99 comments55 favs

Drag queens weep sequins


992992 views55 comments55 favs

this bleeding sun, clove studded & seedless

Black House

11081108 views88 comments55 favs

I dreamt once a child’s drawing of a house all scribbly black crayon swayback roof crooked chimney. God, do you remember how cold it was that night?

flash poem

12101210 views77 comments55 favs

Why flash?because the moments, the moments, they pass in flashes of brilliancethat shudder, death glow alightand nothing makes sense beyond nowand nothing will help me but meand I am not even enoughnot my thoughts or your nod of assentor even the deep sigh of…


13871387 views44 comments55 favs

PORNOGRAPHY First He went across the floor to where she sat. One sleeve of her shirt dropped to show her shoulder, salted and brown. One hundred fish filled the wave. Now, he said. Now is now. Second The car wouldn't…

Unday Morning

12781278 views77 comments55 favs

At the Bizarre Bazaar in the village of There You Are we waited on the platform when the Midnight Special steamed into the station pulling a plain brown wrapper disguised as an invisible train

Little Yappy Dog

14451445 views88 comments44 favs

Should I believe you now? I said fuck you. I knew better but I said it. He kicked me some but I covered up, he didn’t get me bad as he thought. When he got tired, he took my doorkey off my ring. Said make me come back, and I’ll kill you. And he left.

"The Misses Moses," from my collection Aliens in the Prime of Their Lives (Norton 2010)

12181218 views66 comments66 favs

The Misses Moses by Brad Watson from Aliens in the Prime of Their Lives The Moses sisters lived together, alone, in the fine old brick house near downtown where they…

the honey ant of Kaapa Tjampitjimpa

10171017 views88 comments55 favs

1I'VE BEEN looking though books of paintings and I've been thinking …

Wild turkey chase

838838 views88 comments55 favs

“Don’t ever call me that name, formal or informal, okay? Forget you heard it.”


10091009 views66 comments66 favs

There I was at the OPEN HOUSE. It was easy, three doors down. The sign on the lawn said, PRICE REDUCED. The real estate lady said, “Back again? Thinking of buying”? I laughed. There were several couples there. People have…

Double Sonnet I

994994 views88 comments55 favs

We love our other animals

For Fathers Day 2014

10881088 views66 comments66 favs

Divine guidance. That's why Dad used a blowtorch to set the jug on fire, its contents the “Devil's elixir.”

Threads of a Dream

11161116 views1010 comments55 favs

I'm gonna go find a hole to dwell in deep in the mountains where the Indians used to live dig a cave into my subconscious learn to be less secretive

A Walk Among Pigeons

10701070 views77 comments66 favs

A Walk Among Pigeons I know these pigeons. They were beggars in another life. I may have been among them once, but then I fell in love, and when that ended, my spirit floated free. And I became, though somewhat battered and b

Ghost Story

944944 views55 comments55 favs

They come to wipe themselves from my memory, but that, of course, is impossible. In this place, we are bound together, the long line of men who have killed me, and I.


12481248 views1313 comments44 favs

When he leaves herThe weather is glorious of courseUnblinking sunshineHe walks awayShe touches the edge of his sleeve I touch his sleeveBlack jacket flung over his shoulder Black jacket over his…

Existential Weather Report (Election Day 2020)

572572 views77 comments44 favs

Later, at home, on the internet, I assemble fragments of street celebrations from cities one coast to the other. I watch them and listen in the compressed fidelity of computer speakers. How strangely things feel.

The Starfish and The Pin Joint

668668 views77 comments55 favs

The two boys walked the long dock to the edge of bay,like scrappy lobsters pointing toward the waves,"The cockroaches of the sea,"his father said,It was the old country"Only prisoners were fed lobster.They stayed in the dampholes."He thought the sea ebbed and flowed like a…

Call Me

792792 views99 comments44 favs

The woman took a small note card from her purse and wrote on it. She then stood, handed the card to the doctor, and said, “Call me.”


11501150 views66 comments55 favs

He refuses to answer his phone, preferring the safe medium of email or his answering machine. He only eats pre-cooked, pre-packaged food, only drinks bottled waters, sodas and juices. He has cable, but only watches late-night infomercials and shopping cha

Oklahoma, 1944: Howard Hughes Spends the Night in Jail

16391639 views88 comments55 favs

There's a drain in the floor.