by Darryl Price
by Darryl Price
by Darryl Price
The hand is closer than ever, but that's
Just a perception. We knew it was waiting
To grasp at our dreams, long before we
Saw the fingernail drawings on the dirt-floor like
So many other indicators of the path to
Certain riches and fame. It does no good
To lose heart. There is no one love
That doesn't include us. It cannot be erased
No matter how hard they try to burn
Everything to the ground. Look, they are only
Interested in claiming victory, but the hand promises
Nothing. Leave it at that. All skies lead
To heavens. Won't they just be, greatly surprised
And annoyed, charging like hedgehogs into the backs
Of their own turning around and around already
Bleeding heads? It's a good joke until you
Learn the punchline, then you may wish a
Handkerchief to wipe away the sadness that has
A tendency to stick to all your clothes
Like chocolate rain. You're not sure if you
Smell something sweet or sickening. But, hey, they
Gathered around that fire of their own free
Will, hoping to keep themselves alive for one
More millennium. The clock keeper just laughs at
Their plans as he stirs the pot into
A thicker and thicker gravy. Oh he might
Break off one star or two in their
Bitter honor, just to enliven the plot, but
He's a master chef and won't be ruining
His course for a hot bubble or two.
The story isn't just old, it's ancient. In
The meantime we continue to dance in circles
Around the moon and stars, it's our heritage,
And theirs, too, when you think about it.
Still the pain's functioning is very real and
Goes on. We must never forget the mothers
Calling endlessly for their children, the fathers searching
Everywhere for a crumb, the sisters who vanish
Like patches of sunlight on the grass, dear
Brothers who gurgled in the dark, helplessly drowned
Crests, spinning limbs of foam and fire. But
That's a pipe for another march altogether. This
Missive is to let you know you are
Not alone. The hand is closer because you
Are closer to knowing something honest about yourself.
They will always be sharpening their chimneys into
Spears, always be using their doorbells as shields,
Always be lining their pockets with incendiary bombs.
We must never take that crooked path. It's
A Period thing. We've got noise of our
Own to make. We make it because we
Believe it, not because we want it to
Be true or not. We are the noise
Through and through. The hand can have its
Own orchestra. Let those who worship its fingers
Go to that temple. You do not have
To join their chorus, you do not have
To repeat their bloody oaths. You are an
Individual thinker, capable of making your own poetry.
I find that beautiful beyond the words for
It. They can have their scripted hypnotic dinners.
It's that easy. So enjoy the path that
Spirals on the outside of all other paths.
I'd never want you to miss that boat.
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1467 words
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This is one of my favorite things to do. Take two sides of a new and strangely felt coin of phrase and spin them around and around again and again. Just to see what happens.It's fun. And then of course I'll add my own two cents by the end of the toss. I'm a big fan of human beings by the way. They seem to have so few real supporters in the known universe at hand.
This story has no tags.
oh yeah! I am just now reading this today and thinking it is at least one day too late for me to be reading this.*
(to be more precise: eight hours too late)
Wow, a lot going on in this one! Terrific, and tons of favorite lines. *
Fascinating and very wise. I like the stuff about singing, especially the creature who do stuff "without singing about it" and then human beings "sing like crazy."
"Oh what's
the use of all of these poems?" For some, the use is that they keep us alive. For others, they speak truth into the deepest darkness and coax us toward the light. Finally, they simply assure us we are human, fallible, and loved anyway.*
I'm too busy getting high on the inside from reading your poetry to get involved on the outside and be a willing member of the food chain without singing about it. Love this one.
"Drape me in no more tears you / fucking mental universe."
Darryl Price is an ESSENTIAL poet.