Tell me how beautiful I am and I'll dance for you
Tell me how much you love my smile and I'll kiss you softly
Paint a picture of me and I will lie still
Let me see your smile and watch me exhale
Rock me back and forth and my eyes close
I see rocky shores and ocean swells and imagine
That we travel over the waters together
Tomorrow I'll be sitting alone over a cup of
Chamomile tea, blowing across the steam,
Wondering how long it will take to cool down
I won't know the exact moment to drink it
Unless I'm willing to get burned
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Love this.*
That last thought! In the nooz biz we would call it the "nut graf." Now that I'm free of that jail, I can call it sublime. *
Each line is a gift.*
A fine close.
Thanks Amanda, Mathew, Gary and Gary... love this territory...