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Beauty Fell Through the Roof

788788 views88 comments66 favs

Yet tenderness resided here among the canvases, the tubes of paint, brushes, and candle wax; the splatters of discarded ideas. We made love the way people said prayers

November Is The Month Of Dying

13521352 views77 comments66 favs

Two weeks after All Souls’ Day, he trudges through the overgrown pasture behind the farmhouse, his head bent, intent on his footing, a shovel his walking stick.

Abecedarian inspired by Bill Yarrow

12141214 views77 comments66 favs

Despite what the bible says, Shadrach and Meshach had no third brother named Abednego. To pay for his cello lessons, Yo-Yo Ma worked the subways of New York as a busker. Just chill. After Sal went into witness protection, he yearned for a job at the art…

Hats for Houses

14321432 views1111 comments66 favs

It is certain. The roofs are hats for the houses because you wear a hat in the rain or the snow or even and sometimes especially the sun. The houses are curious. They keep their hats on at night. The downspouts for run-off water are strands of hair such as…

Blowing Up While Fading Out

16591659 views88 comments44 favs

It calmed the guilt in my heart while kids reveled, laughed, and "made time" with the neighborhood girls on that final night of freedom. No one would talk to those girls again.

Potato Head

25892589 views1111 comments55 favs

I weighted her so she would be suspended in the water. Sometimes late at night I would go down to the edge and listen to her bump against the filtration system. The sound she made was soft and low like a strange drum.

Hype and Melancholy

964964 views99 comments66 favs

Sonia banks on hidden things in the minds of other people, whereas I bank on what I know.

And Father Makes Three

11401140 views66 comments44 favs

His father whistles The Torreador's Song in the kitchen; Mirko smells bacon.

1987, What I wanted

15491549 views1212 comments55 favs

I wanted to watch, for as long as I could, until my innocence, like balloons, disappeared from view.

Do I hear Ten Thousand?

12781278 views99 comments66 favs

I cannot begin to list all the ways this conversation can go downhill from here, so I hang up the phone quietly.

20 Things I Learned about Norman Rockwell from "American Mirror, The Life and Art of Norman Rockwell"

16641664 views88 comments66 favs

His middle name was Perceval. He judged the first Miss America contest in 1922. He saw himself primarily as a storyteller in the Dickensian mode.He claimed to be an illustrator rather than an artist. He disliked driving but loved to walk, and preferred…

Voltaire Drinks Thirty Cups of Coffee

21282128 views77 comments55 favs

Voltaire drinks his coffee standing up in front of the microwave and he likes to hold one hand on his chest where his heart is while he drinks. He likes to feel his heartbeat quicken and then he imagines that he is a machine or something mechanical.

Sestina McRib

43684368 views66 comments55 favs

And now the McRib is back. Two dollars.

You Write Books?

11891189 views77 comments66 favs

“Somebody told me you write books.”

How to Stop Doing and Be

10841084 views1212 comments55 favs

Monday will come soon enough to get/ what needs to be done, done.


13051305 views99 comments66 favs

Everyone loves a story of love unrequited. But what about the stories of the unrequited lovee?

Composition: 3 generations and a porch

11451145 views88 comments66 favs

It is 1939...

The Summer Of My Beautiful Idiocy

713713 views77 comments66 favs

In the summer of '68 my father persuaded me to go visit my grandparents on their farm in North Dakota. I had long hair and dressed like a French symbolist outlaw. Took the train to Minot, spent the night in a hotel (watching Your Cheatin' Heart, movie about Hank…

Liberty of Cooking

10681068 views1212 comments55 favs

My dish was slut ("all done" in Swedish). It tasted good though aroused no draft, of mutton, for example. My grandparents' bed held flat. I filed alone, in realist kitchen, reading Froeding, standing, striding, continent as gym.

Dark Matter

882882 views1414 comments55 favs

The darkness isn’t evil but invisible/ in the otherwise excellent light of day


15061506 views88 comments22 favs

It would wander the hallways after the 3:45 bell, after the last class, after the students had all disappeared with the homework they'd never finish, the papers they'd forget to write, after Nate the janitor pushed his broom through the endless doorways,

Sleepless #3

13331333 views88 comments66 favs

My ex-girlfriends live in a pastel-drenched cabin on the edge of a hemlock forest in Canada somewhere,

Snatch 7 (come 11)

12311231 views88 comments66 favs

...the scream and the face...

What I wanted 1976

12071207 views1010 comments77 favs

turn my Dorothy Hamill into a golden shadow

Move Along

11051105 views1111 comments66 favs

W here do you think you're going what'll you think you'll do running down this highway that you never even knew

Halfhearted Objections

12191219 views88 comments66 favs

The old man behind the counter recognizes fear and anxiety in the boy's face, and sees the brown paper bag clenched in his other white-knuckled hand.

Vanishing Vapors with Mister Van Gogh

993993 views77 comments77 favs

These clouds are what I havewith me. Their language is minebut it is drying today aswe speak. I catch the darkeningsparks, but that's not to beyour concern. I am sure youshall go on. What I wantis to deliver your song. Idoubt it is for anybody else.Clouds are good at…

Because we cannot know

11091109 views99 comments66 favs

Because we cannot know, we keep walking, keep getting up each morning, feeding the cat, drinking coffee. Because we cannot know I'm drinking coffee that morning in Thailand, not on the beach but just off, because there is only one spot where you can get real coffee,…

Did I Tell You I Have Stripes On My Socks?

15741574 views88 comments55 favs

Kids are fascinated by me. Adults look the other way. Maybe it's my size. Or maybe it's the stories in the newspapers.

On an Iceberg of Words

10611061 views88 comments66 favs

She cut me adrift On an iceberg of words And words melt As you know Looks like we may have Gone out on the limb A little too far without A toe-hold on Reality Doesn’t it? But I saw the headlines: Cows Bound for Slaughterhouse Make