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Kill it

12981298 views77 comments66 favs

my dog had a tumor

Though I'm NEVER Drunk, I'm ALWAYS Disorderly (memoir)

18501850 views1111 comments44 favs

1987. Recently, I told a teenager who was smoking a cigarette in an elevator that he should put it out. “You a cop?” he asked.

C.S.I. #14

13151315 views99 comments33 favs

I had dreams of being permeated with the heat of Caramelized sisters. A declawed cat kept creeping along my apartment walls.

Stroller Mania

13261326 views88 comments66 favs

Get something cheap and light at Target. Trash hell out of it. Encourage baby to urp up in it.

Tumbleweed Suite

10801080 views88 comments66 favs

in late fall, Rome, sans wind, sans rancor, sans sand or rain, sans hate ...

Sisyphus takes the day off

637637 views55 comments55 favs

what-ta-hell, fuck this he snorts brushing the dust from his shoulders

Citizens: a fragment

699699 views77 comments66 favs

B: Write a short story about men for the gym teacher. Write a candle for the century. A: How do I end it? B: Write a synopsis.

The White Dogs Of West Emerald Street

11471147 views77 comments77 favs

I wondered if Mr. Slane even knew/ how many dogs he owned

One Of These Dreams ...

388388 views99 comments66 favs

Imagine a morning without dawn, without daylight ... The night birds still hoot, the flowers wait for the light to change their make-up, black birds have locked their beaks. A morning unlike any other ... The moon above continues to reign over the milky way, the stars to…

When I Lived There.

15721572 views77 comments55 favs

When I was fifteen and we were moving to Mississippi, my boyfriend in Canada told me I was going to live in the swamp with the alligators. I didn’t understand why my father would pick such a hick place. Rob gave me his cricket bat to hang over my bed, a

The Buddha on my Wooden Desk

307307 views66 comments55 favs

The Buddha on my wooden desk says all things are Chaplinesque, that all's a self-containing joke, a cube of ice in a glass of coke, a sunbeam dragged thru autumn leaves, the residue a lover leaves, a kind of vein,…

If Blake had only known

10461046 views1111 comments66 favs

Everything is bound to change like / a damsel to the tracks.

The Duck Dynasty Dog Ate My Bus Pass

13731373 views1010 comments66 favs

Things have changed since they strutted the gritty streets of the Lower East Side with Blondie and the gang.


935935 views88 comments66 favs

My table offers up the gutted calf/ with carrots and potatoes yanked / alive and whole

Autumn in the Afterward

13511351 views77 comments66 favs

A year after we'd last spoken I can still remember your commentary, our ill-fated reunion at the baggage claim forever immortalized as this solitary instance of unobstructed joy.

Raymond Chandler and His Wife

10711071 views77 comments55 favs

One day it was boring / to be alive.

Dread and Circuses

984984 views55 comments77 favs

It is claimed we choose/ conditions of our servitude.

We'll Always Have Bakersfield

11471147 views77 comments66 favs

"I tell you about ten other men who want to love me and two I could kiss in the smoking room of a jazz club, you wonder if I’d love anyone."

The Full Moon is Inside Your House

13481348 views88 comments77 favs

When the full moon changes trajectory and comes close it pushes you to different gravitational fields

Shits and Crazies- a Pas de Deux

10541054 views1414 comments55 favs

Anson Chi/ tried to kill my wife

The Gowanus. Expressway, not canal

11761176 views88 comments77 favs

in their hunt for desires not felt on either side of the crescent / called Gowanus

The Fat Man's Third Wife

12711271 views99 comments77 favs

They say it was like an elephant married to a dove. Imagine, me, a dove! Ridículo!

Remember to Sing

11631163 views66 comments77 favs

“Not all the birds are to be trusted, and there are other spies more evil than they are.” —J.R.R.Tolkien This may well be our own about time, time to walk out that comfortable front door forever into danger. Nothing will ever…

When I was little

564564 views1111 comments44 favs

I was little, very little, when Happiness went away. I moved the entire earth, walked in the ferns, poked in the river. Happiness had disappeared. I looked to the sky. I remember, the sun had the porous face of an orange. Not unlike my skin. My eyes fixed above, I saw it…

Fa La La La La

11251125 views1111 comments66 favs

A pinprick breaks the black/ and pins the spin of constellations/ around its still point.


11051105 views88 comments66 favs

You left for the glittery wild of West Hollywood. I guess L.A.'s off-limits now. My heart goes fucking tachy when I drive over Kellogg Hill past Forest Lawn and see the skyline glowing through the rainbow haze of sunset. You're out there, out in the…

Cat Woman Sexy #5

10771077 views1010 comments55 favs

Cultivate your vaginal tears at the gates of Thigh and Holy.


13221322 views1414 comments55 favs

She asks if I would like to join them.

Beauty Fell Through the Roof

679679 views88 comments66 favs

Yet tenderness resided here among the canvases, the tubes of paint, brushes, and candle wax; the splatters of discarded ideas. We made love the way people said prayers

November Is The Month Of Dying

12071207 views77 comments66 favs

Two weeks after All Souls’ Day, he trudges through the overgrown pasture behind the farmhouse, his head bent, intent on his footing, a shovel his walking stick.