1585 7 7
But on arrival Darlene was in no prompt mood to undress.
"There's some ugly sumpthin' out there along the fence, looks like it's gnawin' on sumpthin' dead."
1343 10 5
He was instantly on her, pulling at her nightgown
1514 8 6
...I stared at my good dog with the same entreaty I saw in her eyes. Save us. Please.
1084 12 5
the bodies of the poor become/
a simple logistical problem,/
disposable as any gnawed bones
1569 8 6
For me German was a school subject. For Hymen, who could pronounce German but not speak it, it was a poetic technique or element, shorthand for what ails the world.
1906 5 4
O’Malley imagined the blissful, narcotic innocence of Toby’s world where soft-shell crabs crawled into people’s mouths and hummed a happy tune as they were chewed and swallowed.
1156 8 7
He invited her in for a Martini and she graciously accepted.
1081 12 6
The ghosts run before/
attacking horsemen. A heart/
is ruptured by a spear.
1068 10 6
Millennium jumped strumming lithium gum cumulative outnumber humiliated résumé jumpy instruments
1164 8 6
1. How can one begrudge the cracking open of a heart?When the lava love fire loaded insanity of self-control disappearsAnd the raw spewing beginsYou better be ready for the truthIt ain't gonna be prettyYou'll wish you were deadYou won't recognize where you areYou'll be…
1249 6 6
“When I was six years old, Dad came home from Vietnam and picked me and Mama up from her sister's house in Boston. We packed a U-Haul with everything we owned from T.V. to toothbrush. Dad hitched the trailer to the Rambler and drove us South, back home to Carolina. A…
2136 7 5
Thomas Friedman was right when he said, “Much of this biodiversity in Indonesia is now under threat.”
It had been this way since gasoline became currency; I remember bartering with The Governance for the newest edition of The Guinness Book of
1074 3 4
let competitions in crime ensue
let every madness bring
let every sword be drawn
let every furious rage flow free
let anger know no shame
let all blind rage inflame . . .
1011 12 6
Crouching like little children in a game of hide & seek, we entered the old house, slowly
1808 6 7
The doorbell rang while Ron was masturbating.He closed his eyes tight. Tried to hold the image of Lori bent over the arm of the couch. No use. It was gone. Ron sighed, then levered the recliner down. Tied on the terry-cloth robe Lori had given him. He kicked aside an empty…
1089 9 6
They make you work
For your pizza in Italy
You have to slice it yourself
While wearing a gas mask
To ward off the cigarette smoke
From every neighboring table
While chasing away the
Mosquitos and the pigeons
The flies and the gypsy r
1226 10 6
I'm using a 16mm motion picture camera with sound on film, equipped with a magazine holding six hundred feet, giving me approximately fifteen minutes of continuous shooting. Uzma has changed her cloths again. She's dressed for working in the garden, wearing a white…
1071 8 6
Because we are exceptional,/
our 3000 dead in New York/
exceeds in impact that of 75,000/
burned at Nagasaki,
1015 6 7
We are the miserable, annoyed, dismayed sick. We slouch on black naugahyde chairs too pathetic to reach for magazines. The computer is down the young receptionist has explained to each of us in young, florid style, complete with “I…
890 8 6
1596 6 6
He didn’t used to smell that way, like a rained-on boot, like the insides of a lived-on couch. ... He used to smell like he wore light, subcutaneous cologne.
1100 10 6
A man and a woman argued over the size of the quake. They were sitting on the floor like Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
1316 10 5
My banker said, "We've millions we can spare,
981 9 6
The world can still be viewed as a drop Of rain, but not all the tears can Be revealed as such. Stories swirling inside are constantly Shifting gears, searching for the lost highway, and Sometimes finding it. There is plenty of love Going…
1660 7 6
...some years later I heard that an old friend jumped off that bridge to her death.
1548 8 6
"Love, against the dying of the light." (An unusual story about George Whitman, former owner of the revered & beloved Shakespeare & Company bookstore in Paris, France.)
820 7 7
Times were tough. They met out on the right-of-way on Highway 61 heading south, each trying to hitch a ride to New Orleans where they might find work. Albert walked up to her lugging a saxophone in a scuffed up case. Mamie had old cloth suitcase. After handshake bona fides…
624 10 6
Gotta be jumpin'
gotta be hummin' some tune
even when I'm alone
I'm flirtin' with the moon
(back down below)
1287 9 6
Hey, how are you? she squeaked.
1475 9 5
Sundays after Mass, Sister Edburga gathered the team in the shower room, we stripped naked in a circle, held hands and said a prayer we’d win our game. A boy no one knew walked alongside her with a box full of jockstraps.