by David Ackley
You stand on the shore
your perpetual history
curling and foaming at your feet
smoke curls from the horizon
your father was all at sea
And his And his
on your tongue salt meets salt
Blood of our fathers.
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I wanted this to be based on fundamentals--sea, salt,and blood, and their intrinsic bonds.
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Ahoy! I see it, feel it, taste it!
Like especially what you do with the line: "And his And his" as lead-in the poem's last two impact lines.
"your father was all at sea"
Great line!
I really like the mood of this piece, speaks of past and present *
I love "salt meets salt." And the rest, too. *
Some great metaphors in this beautiful little piece. Of past and present, of human lineage and mortality. Very well done indeed sir.
Thanks all for reading this and responding.