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The Ex-Boyfriend Checks in on Saturday Night by Cell Phone

17821782 views1111 comments66 favs

(originally appeared in Lit Up) me never to call youagain after you get home late,for the familiar fear of the deadbolt noise,the shifty creak of your linoleum floor,the way you throw your jacket overthe sofa and…

The thing is

13391339 views1515 comments66 favs

It was not that he was boring – it’s just that he needed a lot of encouragement. When he came, he whispered to himself, ‘ohgodohgodohgod’ - like it was something to be ashamed of, to be sorry for. I wanted to hold him close against me but I also n

55 words #7

12921292 views99 comments66 favs

Let's make a monetary enticement for writers who can revel in the magnitude of this tragedy...

The Front Window at Starbucks, NYC

15281528 views77 comments66 favs

His eyes drift over the body of every woman who enters Starbucks, even though he’s old enough to be their father or grandfather, still his eyes are aware of every shape passing by, refusing to let go, and die. Maybe they’re speaking Polish or


12791279 views1212 comments55 favs

Can’t you do anything right?

Light, Now

13611361 views1212 comments66 favs

It's 100 degrees in your tower/and that braid you're so proud of/is one hot ladder to nowhere.

Suspended Heart

17141714 views77 comments77 favs

The suspended heart became an oracle of sorts. Hung from a string, immersed in the kind of glass container in which tulips grow, it was located between Bath and Body Works and Kleinfelter's Jewelers at the north entrance of the mall. Someone had lost it,

Sunday Morning Series- 3: Theo Logic

10971097 views1111 comments66 favs

Observe the withered/ head atop the pole.

Stone Soup

739739 views88 comments66 favs

When I asked her about her husband, she laughed.

Remarkable Depths of Semantic Ambiguity

16321632 views77 comments77 favs

Thank you for submitting your epic poem I, I, I for consideration. While we are encouraged that you have relented from the ruthless self-endictment you affected so unconvincingly in your previous entry, Why Am I...

Prayer for a Flash Fictioneer

131131 views1010 comments77 favs

Molly was a fanatical Flash Fictioneer, devoted to her miniature art form, the bonsai of literature, the tiny tales popularly known as flash fiction. She filled an entire blog with daily entries of the stuff. She came to flash…

The Wonders of Wonder

16181618 views77 comments77 favs

There it was, square in the middle of someone’s lawn: a slice of white bread, like a shirtless Englishman stretched out in the sun.

The Goldberg Variations

16691669 views99 comments66 favs

Sorry Glenn Gould, I said, but our princess is in another castle. After that, Glenn and I went to an all night diner and ate scrambled eggs.


12271227 views88 comments77 favs

I imagine you in the States, pushing stacks of work papers and our memories to the side, sense your enjoyment that you won’t see the worry of your behavior reflected in my eyes again. That you can buy and bang and be whomever you want,

I'll be Home for Christmas - 2

13291329 views1616 comments66 favs

Warning: contains sexually suggestive comments.

Duluth Harbor

11081108 views1515 comments55 favs

"And yet she always went on writing, even when nobody cared if she did or not: if she stopped, she told an imaginary prosecutor in her diary, 'I will not have earned death.' "


14211421 views1111 comments77 favs

when the surface of a photograph gets like this that it has gone blind

River Run

13661366 views99 comments77 favs

yearning amid the waning

T.S. Eliot On His Deathbed

12921292 views99 comments66 favs

I guess at the end you’re only looking forward. Or upward actually, since you can only lie there on your back looking upward, straight ahead toward infinity, your mouth in a grimace, with the ghostly pink lips peeled back from the teeth.

Past Forward

425425 views88 comments66 favs

Shivers of desire, bristles of knowing

By Saturday, We'd Be Singing

12301230 views88 comments66 favs

My uncle lived part-time in prison, in a cell with a blanket, pillow, and towel. The remainder of his days he lived in a small house on Prospect Street.

Her Dream Princes

15171517 views1010 comments44 favs

They live a simple life..two solitudes by lamplight.

Air Conditioning Bill

12571257 views66 comments77 favs

The last night, I shivered in bed until three a.m., the blankets wouldn’t work, or the socks, or my tears, but I reassured my heart that my next love would be warmer. 
He was. 
And our air conditioning bill was so high we could’t afford it.

Grunion Fishing

12151215 views77 comments77 favs

As spilled on a sandy Corona del Mar beach/both in moonlight and starlight so lovely/and strangely sad as if receding still

more horrid haiku

13281328 views88 comments77 favs

a mere forty years/and maybe you become twelve,/maybe sixty-three.

God Wants a Sandwich

14521452 views44 comments66 favs

Two cars smashed together, the sky started to look like a foot infected with gout...

Winter Blues

16471647 views99 comments66 favs

He told me he could feel an army of tears building up behind his eyes.

Tree Yaupon

10861086 views88 comments66 favs

They clog the skimmer basket/ and fill the small Polaris bag.

Weed Fire

10461046 views99 comments66 favs

Wind was a sorry excuse for force


12421242 views1212 comments66 favs

In the summer that my mother returned from wherever she had gone after her divorce, she and I moved to a large, old farmhouse high on a hill, far from the town where I had grown up. The farmhouse was over a hundred years old and no one had lived in it for…