They live a simple life. It goes like an old song: spare, wood table; worn place on the stair, two solitudes by lamplight. They work, come home, put on the soup, spy on sparrows at the feeder.
Snug inside her marriage, she denies the restlessness of Canada geese in flight, cleaving the sky's November light. And when it snows, she runs inside to dream of princes pressing leaves against her eyes.
71 words
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Author's Note
This tiny poem came to me because I knew women who were restless in their marriages but denied it even to themselves. Also, my house had worn out floors.
you have perfectly described how comfortable two can become after years of being together and their for each other. i love the basic cadence and melody found in this tiny piece - two solitudes by lamplight is a glorious phrase. somehow I see them as an old couple just quietly reading by a fire..
you have perfectly described how comfortable two can become after years of being together and their for each other. i love the basic cadence and melody found in this tiny piece - two solitudes by lamplight is a glorious phrase. somehow I see them as an old couple just quietly reading by a fire..
Really, really nice, Gita. I like that you correctly used Canada geese, and not Canadian geese, like most.
Perfect. Wow! Not one word wasted nor one that doesn't belong. Beautiful and sweet.
Lovely images and a bittersweet tone. Nice.
Gorgeous Gita. Love the two solitudes by lamplight. More, please.
The familiarity of the scene took my breath away. I also love the image of "two solitudes by lamplight." Thank you for sharing this gem.
This is lovely, Gita. Gentle, real, yearning, true. Splendid.
I felt snug and warm inside your poem, Gita. Lovely imagery. *.
I really love this. "Snug inside her marriage..." "cleaving the sky's November lights..."
Such great lines.
Can't add to what has been well said already: sparse yet full, and wonderful.