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Assiduity Four

12951295 views1616 comments88 favs

Her clothing style varies from grunge to glamor and . . . she always looks good.

my father's fear

13331333 views99 comments88 favs

my father has a phobia of dentists./ he also once felt/ that if the house ran out of toilet paper/ he would lose his job.


11681168 views1212 comments77 favs

Val walks through the world, absorbed in the day to day. A plainspoken narrator drones on in his mind. The nondescript voice marks time to the beat of Val's banal footfall, hums along with the whir of Val's modest, midsize sedan. The narration is loudest in the twilight…


13661366 views1111 comments88 favs

They are always there. Stoic and steady.

The Gate Before

12561256 views99 comments88 favs

You were always goingto connect the dots. I was always goingto overfill a bucketwith poems. You wouldeventually drive off wavingyour hand like astar on a spring. I'dshoulder up another notebookfor the walk. Myhand would rather holda pencil. Yours wouldaccept a kiss…

Clover Grill: A Short Story

19721972 views1313 comments55 favs

I'm somewhere on I-10 in Mississippi, barreling westbound at 80 miles an hour through a rainstorm on a late Wednesday afternoon. The last road sign I remember was for Beauvoir, some Confederate general's…

Exploring Physics

871871 views99 comments77 favs

Our half-life, radioactive decay, particles shed leaving dust and bone."twilight years", "golden age", "evening of life"?Bullshit. I'm not ready to stop pumping high octane.You said, "I'll take you to Paris."Hemingway's address is still in your notebook, I saw it.I'll wear…

Listen To Our Birds

13041304 views99 comments88 favs

We know a poem isn't going to stop you From invading our town. It won't get you to Listen to our birds any more than to our Sunsets. That's not why we do it. We know A poem isn't going to break the blade of Your knife like an…

Three New Poems

14641464 views99 comments88 favs

Letter(s)The sky set itself on fire, butit really didn't make a whole lot of difference. Birdsknew not to worry any more thanusual. Trees thought and made the mostof their landscapes as a way ofbeing modern and yet timeless. It's onlypeople who suffer from too much…


12791279 views1010 comments66 favs

Rush had a black eye and a bucket of dirty water. Look, a baby turtle he said, like that explained everything. Yes, I did lack a turtle so thank you for disappearing for three months and returning with a goddamned turtle. His weird homecoming gift took my…

The Egg Whisk

19421942 views99 comments33 favs

A plain oval face, opaque except for a birthmark streaking the right cheek like chicken shit.

On Writing

14451445 views1616 comments77 favs

it's the very words that are the problem

Still Life (55 words)

12151215 views1313 comments66 favs

It wasn't so much the softness of the bed that kept her from sleep, or the pungent bleach-scent of the unfamiliar sheets, but the lack of her clock's familiar tick, tick, tick. Or was it a missing heartbeat? Awake, she watched his chest. On the table, an empty pill …

Turtle Summer

15381538 views1111 comments77 favs

He was her summer fling, the first cock to crow when the sun rose over her tequila smile.


11461146 views1414 comments88 favs

no one cried

I Like it This Way

13561356 views1717 comments77 favs

Through its branches we saw a couple. Teenagers, narrow and pale, two young birch trees, their roots twisted, submerged in the water.

Reasons to Live (RtL) = right to left

10921092 views99 comments88 favs

6. to register for the draft

Random Little Linguistic Discharges

971971 views1717 comments77 favs

Eat the Body/ Drink the Blood/ Perfect the sacrifice,

Dear Feline

10121012 views77 comments77 favs

Rocky, Arne’s elderly cat, was perturbed by invisible phantoms that provoked him to leap up on his hind legs, batting his front paws at the air like Don Quixote attacking windmills.

Lost Kites

496496 views1616 comments77 favs

Unseen, he slides through cracks, unbound, liquid fear of mothers.


10971097 views99 comments88 favs

It turned out Eel’s brain corrects for imbalance, and he can only feel danger for a moment or two.

Carry On

983983 views1111 comments88 favs

But God could tell that Adam was still not/ right with His world, alone as he was. Alone/ is fine for a Maker of Worlds but facsimiles/ are so much less than the Original.

The dream diary of Anna Perez - page 63

573573 views99 comments88 favs

I came suddenly awake and the rain was beating a furious rhythm on the rooftops, like a thousand shaken tambourines, like a thousand angry mojaves.

Invite to a Death

14571457 views1414 comments55 favs

I'm the joker of the pack in our office, although I think a lot of my humour is too subtle for my colleagues

Yeopim Pork Men

557557 views1515 comments55 favs

The trio stuffed their grilling equipment in a battered van and left for Dixieland Speedway at 4:30 am.

American MEOW

345345 views99 comments55 favs

No American ghosts are friendly. I hate to be the one to break the news to you, amigo. American ghosts speak in blood and smoke signals and guttural cries. American ghosts MEOW.


15321532 views1010 comments77 favs

He shows me how lift the windshield wipers up, clean under them, put them down and I follow him around, watch him slap the sham over the van, pull it away, slap again. I do the same, stop every few minutes like Daddy does, hold it out, twist, wring the sh

The Seven Year Itch

16931693 views1313 comments77 favs

It’s not every day that a girl like me gets greeted with a hairy beast that orgles and spits when excited. Didn’t help none that it only had one eye. Poor little ole bugger.

Senior Center

12511251 views1414 comments66 favs

"Are you all right?" I ask. He blinks. He sits up. I help him stand. He looks sorrowfully at his coffee cup, which is on the floor.

Blackish by Reason of the Ice

10991099 views99 comments88 favs

"Sara, do you taketh it with your eyes?"