You can see, surely, how occupied I am. Busy, in other words. Would you stop my being productive? Caring? I am the marigold wheel no one can understand, the menace your grandfather warned you about. Yes, yes, that last phrase was overkill, the whole sentence a somersault beyond reality, totally out of character. It's been weeks now, I confess, weeks of chaos, a chaos so all-pervasive the air around me assumes an amber glow, and I am the mosquito slowing his pace within it. The new Pompeii. They will find me, insulate, entirely preserved, in the kitchen.
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Also built out of prompt words by Meg, but in this case I used the words in the order in which she provided them, an additional stricture. Or structure.
this is making me so fantastically happy. I am like a proud word-hen.
this is lovely, the end is for me just right, the amber glow and the mosquito slowing his pace within it. wow. preserved in the kitchen.
Why, thank you, Meg! I'm very pleased that you like it! Dang mosquito...
Nice piece. I like the voice: "Yes, yes, that last phrase was overkill, the whole sentence a somersault beyond reality, totally out of character. It's been weeks now, I confess, weeks of chaos..."
Love it!
Shades of Ashbery, for certain. :) Bravo, Coop!
Thanks, Sam, Dennis. Glad it pleases at any level. Ashbery--wow, I would never have thought of that. I've barely read him, some early work long long ago.
Like this much--the voice and your approach stand out. Re-reading reveals even more. *
Great little story! Amazing job with the prompt words. *
Thanks, Christian, Jack!
What some can do with a prompt. super.