180 4 0
He had fear for lunch as was his custom as they waited for the results. Today the turmoil had substance.
1078 1 0
In the last test Anna barely managed to stay within the limit, but right now she had problems with her father in law who’s been luring her husband into alcohol, and with her husband who’s been luring the father in law into drugs.
1500 9 7
I am the marigold wheel no one can understand, the menace your grandfather warned you about. Yes, yes, that last phrase was overkill...
1075 1 0
Dylan’s arms flung forward as the rod bent toward the ocean. “Holy God! What did I snag?
730 0 0
You hold it together so well
so well
She means it as a compliment
487 0 0
He awoke, suddenly, as he felt the drops of sweat running down his face.Dehydration derived from the sweltering heat. He pulled the sheets away and sat on the foot of his bed. It was pitch black in the room. He thought about what woke him; a dream he had. The dream…
1490 11 10
he scans the headlines of the tabloids as he waits to pay. “Dog Accidentally Shoots Man With His Own Gun, Elvis's Hidden Extraterrestrial Daughter, Swedish Man Bursts Into Flames on Train Platform.”
1097 2 1
Q: Tell me briefly about how you got into the death industry.
1209 7 6
I pay for 3 Trump Troll Dolls and a package red licorice twizzlers and head back toward the door. Dancing Gnome Girl is there to greet me. I stick a twizzler in the teeth of the donation pail.