Piotr Kowalczyk

Location Warsaw
Occupation designer, e-book enthusiast, writer 3.0 beta
Website http://passwordincorrect.com

Books by Piotr Kowalczyk
  • by Nick Name
    Piotr Kowalczyk, 2010.

  • by Nick Name
    Piotr Kowalczyk, 2010.
  • About Me

    My profile: tech-absurd flash fiction + litexperimental projects using current advances of technology.

    Currently open litexperimental projects:
    - Google-translated fiction - http://bit.ly/elIdTU
    - Twitter's #hashtagstory - http://bit.ly/93tgo0
    - stories created with an iPhone - http://bit.ly/bXZlyP

    Pen name: Nick Name
    Genre: geek fiction

    Why do you write?

    I'm driven by technology: back and forth. IPhone makes me sleepy (I read a lot on it), Google makes me scared.
    Technology these days becomes invisible - and this is what makes it a terrific antagonist of my stories.

    Any favorite authors? Books?

    Etgar Keret, Roland Topor, Boris Vian, Slawomir Mrozek and most authors of WordPress plugins.

    Piotr Kowalczyk's Wall

    Marcus Speh – Oct 29, 2010

    i really enjoyed browsing your blog just now & your story "Ul Fas Spe Rea Course". yes to experiments!

    Susan Gibb – Nov 02, 2009

    Hi and welcome to the Hypertext Fiction group. I'm fascinated by all types of new media narrative and like you, believe that the time is ripe for introducing the forms beyond the technically-minded to the general populace via the technology they've already accepted.

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