Ul Fas Spe Rea Course
by Piotr Kowalczyk
Blanka and Edmundo inhaled books by the truckload and even that was not enough. So they participated in an ultra-fast speed-reading course based on the Hi-Re method.
After three days of intensive training they completed the course with honors.
As a special prize, they received the longest novel published in the last three years, which had as much as 24 pages — “In Search of a Lost Parenthesis” by the R-syndicate writing quartet.
Blanka read ultra-fast:
“Bro po giv flo . By ass ass fuc kwa dop — No, . , con is a pro rod ban trans rap bit Ove! … -- ? If kle bio hon Ja where ha ye whe grog or. . R kli rot e ter. ,”
Edmund read ultra-fast:
“.Ass - ;fuc gav fas no I will fu fuc fu her he wen fa, ha! Ha! Thes pon — fu co soo sa by fro. Sle in sla Eas the my you pen. One con ex bla . No!!! Wha?”
Blanka said:
“I have to say, this is an incredible book. It keeps you in suspense, the characters are so vivid, dialogs — precise, and the narration — first class.”
Edmund said:
“I totally agree. This must be probably the most fascinating book of this summer, and not even probably. Totally.”
Fun, though I clearly need to take the course, since the translation was beyond me. Reminds me of the Woody Allen Joke:
I took a speed-reading course.
By the end of it I read "Moby Dick" in 20 minutes.
It's about a white whale.
love this. i think it is quite deep, deeper than it seems on the outside. the obsession with saving time, speeding up, shortening has bothered me for a while even though i'm addict just as the next one. i'm also extremely fond of the title.