Stories tagged reading


17451745 views1717 comments66 favs

Every time I read a great line by another writer, I feel fear.

Reading at the Anatomy Museum

15111511 views22 comments11 fav

If you know how, all bodies can be read like books, like poems, like scraps of song

A Few Introductory Words

11831183 views44 comments00 favs

And without further ado, The Author.


10611061 views33 comments00 favs

His mother named him Far because she had high hopes for him

Ul Fas Spe Rea Course

10371037 views22 comments11 fav

Edmund read ultra-fast: “.Ass - ;fuc gav fas no I will fu fuc fu her he wen fa, ha! Ha!

Upon Reading a Book

913913 views00 comments00 favs

O' madam, betwixt the pages A story professed to love A wonder of descriptive prose Delights read enraptured “My favorite book”, so you said O' madam, your heroine is flawed Wounding herself beyond measure And those she swears she…

Sons of Nothing

384384 views11 comment11 fav

"Poor Johnny, poor Johnny." He clucked his tongue.

Bring a Book

12411241 views22 comments22 favs

It would be great if next door to every restaurant, there was a 24 hour dental surgery. Then you could sneak in and grab a few magazines to read if you’re unfortunate enough to be dining alone.

Cross Country

11491149 views33 comments22 favs

The train seemed unusually empty this morning. Not that I minded, the night before the train had picked up three travelers which brought the car’s capacity to about half. Two men and a woman. Luckily, I wasn’t burdened with any as a seating companion. Mak

Fugue No. 4

10221022 views22 comments00 favs

I am learning to write.

My Name is Friedrich Nietzsche, and I Just Love this Damn Crazy Donkey!

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Remedial Reading

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move your lips as you read/ if you can’t read aloud

Blogging Therapy

3939 views00 comments00 favs

This blog seemed to find me. The post I read couldn't be real. The blogger had a session in his therapist's office without the therapist. He'd already been there once that week and paid his hundred and ten dollars. In thirty …

Remedial Reading

6262 views66 comments66 favs

move your lips as you read/ if you can’t read aloud// unless it’s an annual report--

Ah, So This Is It

3636 views22 comments00 favs

He also said this to me in my imagination several years ago.