by David Ackley
In the “Many Worlds” theory, we inhabit only
one of the possible worlds in all possible universes
among which, every event that has ever occurred,
or will ever occur
(not to speak of those presently occurring)
leads at every moment
to some other outcome
than the one you could have done without
until all infinite possibilities are enacted,
which means that
the big-bellied grey cat with a weepy right eye
who failed to come back from a stroll
last October
is right now, in some other world,
sitting on our back stoop
waiting for the door to open
and welcome him home.
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I just read about Quantum Mechanics in the New Yorker and found this part of it a good idea, sort of like lateral reincarnation, though I'm not sure I got it all quite right.
This poem published in the stellar pages of Camroc Press Review.
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Yes! I've been reading the same stuff, multi-universes stuff, too, David. You land this just right, with the cat's alternate, and no doubt happier, universe. Great. *
(I deal with the same thing in my story posted here called Space Man, btw)
Thanks so much, Kathy. Theoretical physics is useful it turns out, if not as intended. I'm off to read "Space Man."
Theoretical physics is scary stuff. Took nerve to tackle this, but I like the outcome.
Great notion. Enjoyed this piece, David. Good writing.
Thanks, James, what's really scary is when I think I almost understand something about which I honestly have not a clue.But I appreciate your acceptance of my version.
Thanks, Sam. Glad it caught your fancy.
And that's the truthhhh. Glad things worked out for the cat.
Thanks, Jack. (Nice visual on multi-worlds. A little Aram Saroyan.)
lovely. sad. just right.
Thanks, Meg. Very much appreciate your stopping by to read and the kind comment.
I read this article too and you seem to have it just right.Perhaps you could do a piece about the same atom being in two places at once. I had trouble with that part. Enjoyed.
Thanks Larry, appreciate the vote of confidence. Getting this far even caused suspicious yellow stuff to start leaking from my ears so I'm going to have to pass on the two atoms stuff.
This guides in a way I can really appreciate and leads to my curiosity about its subject(s). *
Thanks, Ann,it is a fascinating subject, fodder for the imagination, those infinite other worlds.
Yes. Though admittedly I have a hard time swallowing the idea that somewhere else, in some alternate "possible" universe, my double is currently lying on a beach or having sex or being tortured by extremists rather than sitting in this room responding to this work on this computer. The idea is very Borgesian, though, and appeals to me on a creative level, which is where you took it. Well done.
Thanks, Marc, yes I conveniently ignored the downside(ssssssetc...)but as to the getting tortured by extremists, well better him than you and as to the others, that's what imagination is for, no? Anyway, thanks for the read and the comment. I do like your idea of wondering what your double(s) are up to at the moment.
The quantum loop - I like your take, sort of wistful and wanting and hopeful at the same time. Nicely done.
thanks, DJ, appreciate your searching this out, blowing the dust off and having a read. thanks for the kind words too.
my favorite topic for stories and poems. nice to read, thank you.
That can't be Quantum Mechanics so you must mean cats, Tantra: Whichever it was, thanks very much for reading and commenting.