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At the Vet

120120 views1212 comments55 favs

The vet sat with a young woman and old man on a bench in the waiting area. The vet talked like a machine-gun, giving post-surgical instructions for the care of a dog as the woman petted the back of her father who was trembling like…

7 years for us

11131113 views77 comments44 favs

The stain upon / many others cannot be discerned.

Considering the Mailman

11081108 views77 comments22 favs

It’s not just the mailman. It’s the logo on the mailbox down the street. It’s the uniform. It’s any man or woman in the whole unsettling profession.

Collapsible Horizon

12631263 views44 comments22 favs

Mama sleeps in bed with us. The blue of her ghost sleeps underneath me. I love her more than anything. What does she think when we are naked, when we yell, or mimic, imbibe, curse, cry, shake, make love, roll over on her, want to die?


762762 views99 comments00 favs

It was late and Manhattan wasn't going to wait for us to wake up. We stumbled off the train — a few puffs of smoke left in our lungs and perfectly disheveled hair that made us look like we were comfortable with our anxiety.Steps weren't getting any easier…

Out of sync

883883 views1010 comments11 fav

I've been floating dearadriftI could not see you clearlythrough the tattered, hazy scrim the boundary between usmight as well have been a canyonyou reached for me anda vice tightenedaround my headI wanted to merge with youmy heart wished for abrilliant explosion of limb…


562562 views00 comments00 favs

to think of him looking at me / for he to be I and I to be he / it is almost unbearable / to occupy two bodies at once—

For all we know, we'll never meet again...

907907 views44 comments00 favs

Jillian speeds across the stone wall, the hem of her dress flaps violently behind her. Sometimes she stands with her back fully erect letting perpetual motion guide her down a bend with her sun blonde locks brightening the dreary sky, or she lurches her

The World Has Let Me Down

12921292 views33 comments55 favs

My mother and I are close We talk like friends I tell her about people I'm dating She gets excited for me And she asks how it's going When I tell her I think I'm gay She says nothing She does not ask about the woman I am seeing She does not ask how I am doing …


833833 views00 comments00 favs

We’re on the phone dead battery & I want this to last forever. The last thing I want to do is make decisions.

But You Said

895895 views00 comments00 favs

A decade, at minimum, was how long their notes had transpired.Still, they all knew how it would end.

Emma Louise

11401140 views77 comments11 fav

Emma Louise is walking over a concrete bridge when she spies, out of the corner of her eye, a man fishing, waist deep, in the river tumbling below. She is thinking that the water must be very cold on this autumn day, when she sees an extraordinary thing.

I Love Us

31363136 views1616 comments1313 favs

I'd kill a gas attendant in Playa Del Mar. You'd read stained romance novels in motel rooms, while I oiled the gun and laughed on the phone, to no one.

To the Bonfire Rhumba (ELECTRIC DELIRIUM 1.9)

11601160 views66 comments22 favs

The night is a jelly slosh, a fertile rumble, a rhumba, black and seeping, thick. An arm rises.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 34

874874 views00 comments00 favs

Al-Sidran pulled out a switchblade knife from his pocket and proceeded to carefully cut open the box. Ben could tell it was razor sharp by the way it cut through the packing tape and cardboard.

Art Takes Over

591591 views22 comments00 favs

She must fuck like a marmot That’s all I can say, if he already turned his back On the Statue of Puberty To get near to her What do you think it means? He joins the hierarchy Where they sit On the steps of life And she passes the healing

Patio Joe, 55

795795 views11 comment11 fav

Patio Joe, 55 and constantly smelling of swill, got his name because he sold and stocked patio furniture at the neighborhood Kmart. With his pockets full of dusty rags and crushed Old Golds, he'd daydream about check out girls.But I suppose you'd have to call them check out…

Speeding on the Highway at 2AM

12431243 views33 comments33 favs

I am speeding on the highway at 2AM because no one is here...

formation of a black hole

10381038 views44 comments22 favs

who can quite say/when careless talk & confidence/slips into that other charged thing/so minimal at first


687687 views00 comments00 favs

Part I I look down at the milk soaked, fabricated, Bits of synthetic nutrition and The feeling comes over me. I race down the highway in my gas guzzling, Smog belching, status symbol and still The feeling overtakes me. I look at my precious offspring, I see…

John Brigham's Dog

888888 views44 comments22 favs

Every day from my window I saw John Brigham's dog making its way across my field. The dog picked carefully through the shorn corn stubble taking the same route, I'm guessing, it took when the stalks made a shaded rustling forest. There is a narrow path…

The Cats of Spring

503503 views22 comments00 favs

If you’re a mouse with suicidal tendencies My cats can help you to meet your endency.

Blood and Rain

883883 views66 comments66 favs

There's no rain--there hasn't been rain in weeks--but the clouds are dark without the sun, and I can't see the stars.

The Light at the End of You

17481748 views1717 comments1414 favs

I'm reading your remains.

Abject Horror of Objects (ELECTRIC DELIRIUM 1.8)

10481048 views00 comments00 favs

Rosey streaks through the city, dragging a flooded umbrella.


103103 views88 comments66 favs

She doesn't think about bad things anymore. She used to worry about nukes. She'd imagine Hiroshimas everywhere. She'd imagine the seas rising, the planet a string of deserts, polar bears drowning, butterflies shriveling. The world…

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.3 - c.3

11121112 views00 comments00 favs

Mayumi and her friends arrived at the beach. The sun was near setting for the night, and a few stars began an early peek in the twilit sky.

Thoughts After Arriving Home from the Cafe Havana

875875 views55 comments11 fav

If someone told me like people do / that I am a good person / I will never believe them / mostly because I own a mirror / but also because I have lived with myself / for the rest of my life

The Abyss at the End of Life

580580 views33 comments22 favs

When I hear her voice Repeating over and over Will you help me? Will you help me? I get very, very sad Have you seen Rose and Fanny? She asks They died 30 years ago, dear Oh Will you help me? Over and over Will you help me? I g


141141 views22 comments00 favs

Emily's just two miles away She has a Theremin leg She loves to play hopscotch all day And slide home to tea on a sled Bergamot flavours her favourite foods Strawberries grow in her hair She doesn't like guns, she loves hot-cross buns And…