by J.A. Pak
Taking A Walk I See
13 rookson a lifeless tree
waitingI Wrap My Sweater Tight Around Me
And Continue Around the Bend
But There
In a hole, against the wall
One bunny, two bunny
Three bunny, four
Five bunny, six bunny
Seven bunny, more
Heaped together
Neatly stacked
Babies no longer
Than a hand
Eyes all closed
A hoard disturbed
So I try to Refocus
But See
Leaves turning into birds,
birds, old men.
From A Desolate Distance
Nothing is as it seems,
the eye only catch thoughts
and single moments
and I think
they should not belong
I Go Home And Shut The Door
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I suppose this is a companion piece to "Tales From the Country":
Lots of cool thought patterns about parts and wholes. nice work
Went along willingly and appreciated being able to share each moment. For me, the piece closed beautifully with "and I think they should not belong together."
I like the form and flow of the lines & sections. Good piece.
Thanks for your wonderful comments, Marc, Carol, Sam!
I like how the mind and eye shuts with the closing of the door.
Thanks so much, Sally. I'm glad the ending "works".
I like the "cinematography" in this, being held together by "I see" and "I think." *
Thanks so much, Beate. It really was that intersection of "see" and "think" that I wanted to explore.