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779779 views22 comments22 favs

My chin is half-eaten. My chest is gone. There is a rhythm to how each flame licks me. Like how you used to in the mornings before work. Before the coffee. Before the toaster. Before a rose clenched between your teeth and dancing.

The Bad Bed, 2011

854854 views44 comments22 favs

Im in bed. Bed. I look at the word bed written on the screen. Bed. It looks like bad but not quite. Bed-Bad. Bad-Bed. I have a bad bed. Lets say my bed is bad. It is a bed to the extent that it is bad. It is not good, it is bad. It is a bad bed.


10551055 views55 comments44 favs

I am i said pursued by the feeling of being watched.You are she said -- by yourself. As in a dream, a dream you know you're dreaming. Which changes nothing.We are she said watching from the mezzanine, half-above, at once a part and apart.

Lester Young, Grand Daddy of Cool

841841 views22 comments11 fav

Young is credited with the first use of “cool” as a expression of approval, and he embodied the concept in his life and in his playing. His only problem was he was born too soon, in 1909.

Hemingway for Gloria

15881588 views1616 comments88 favs

He disliked intrusion and very specifically innocuous intrusion, nice guys, one might say, who tried to be near him to learn something from him or who admired him but who, as in that passage, came merely to disturb his work.

The Ringlet: Part II

10451045 views33 comments11 fav

Ashford Garth Willingsham IV stood looking out at the Gulf of Mexico from his mansion on Longboat Key. In his right hand was a letter from his divorce lawyer, Reynard Foxx...

Why I Don’t Drink

10021002 views22 comments22 favs

He had that kind of connection / with his cocktails, intimate / sort of like a boy and his dog. // Cocktails have in any case / saved him from the bottom / of many dark wells. /

Snake Eyes

13421342 views1111 comments99 favs

Traveling with a live chicken on a city bus is an experience I hope never to repeat.

Fabulous Bird

610610 views33 comments11 fav

Just let there be that self-moving thing, a sweet girl mentioned by innocence in an off moment because of her skin, because of the way rain beads up on it.

Message in a Bottle

776776 views22 comments11 fav

She eventually learned everyone had their own truth, and some of them were not true at all.


13201320 views1515 comments1010 favs

He died a printer finding late/ after so much selling himself selling/ a craft that pleased and paid enough

The Oscillating Escalator (Excerpt), 2011

749749 views44 comments11 fav

We can imagine an escalator as being a (conveyor) belt between two different states of consciousness. On the one hand (beginning or end, depending on how you see it) the lower (or higher) level, and on the other hand a progression or pro-‘motion’ of the f


998998 views1010 comments1010 favs

I told her I didn't love her. She said love wasn't important; she wanted to marry a man she could respect.

Do I hear Ten Thousand?

11621162 views99 comments66 favs

I cannot begin to list all the ways this conversation can go downhill from here, so I hang up the phone quietly.

A New Woman

823823 views11 comment11 fav

George didn’t move when Cindy punched him in the nose. He just stood up and walked to the fridge, poured a glass of water and dropped a few ice cubes into the glass. The ice cracked in the glass as he walked back to the couch.

I Liked My Giant Friends

10561056 views55 comments44 favs

When you say they were too big, too wild, they weren't too big to be giants. Giants are meant to dwarf things. They can't help it. They're not trying to make you feel helpless to give them a haircut. They just grow fast. But they…

The Book

802802 views22 comments11 fav

“Are you comparing the communists with Hitler?” “Are you telling me there is no comparison?"

Relationship Status

761761 views00 comments11 fav

I would use your towel,

When Horses Fly

15241524 views00 comments00 favs

Gerald's law practice wasn't new. He'd worked on the law review and finished near the top of his class thirty years ago. After earning his J.D., he'd gotten a master of law in taxation. His favorite cases required researching legal precedents, and he…

Starmen Live in Stars

926926 views00 comments00 favs

Giant stars are beautiful, when you stand directly in front of them.But touching them, is a whole other story.Junior had touched one. A strong burning sensation flew through his arm and down his spine. A feeling of electrocution and burning at the same…

A Walk on the Moon

521521 views00 comments00 favs

I used to say I’d rather walk on the moon with my own rapacity, and you can easily say things like that, given the luxuriance of youth. But it was a lie, if you want to know the truth, so much hot balloon air, puffed up in the chest. That is not how i

Love and Cigarettes

894894 views11 comment11 fav

She's waiting there, for you, in bed but the analgesic cigarette calms your mind more than her heat. She's there waiting, in your bed, eyes closed, fluttering, somewhere between the dream and practical world.

Mind Altering

845845 views44 comments11 fav

She felt like she was turning into someone else, someone who appeared normal. She would be inundated with everyone else's ideas, morphing into an insipid lemming, smiling and bantering about mindless things. She wouldn't even care she had changed...

when you're not here, your feeling is

900900 views11 comment11 fav

never have i wanted/ to stay in one place long,/ flight inspired to escape/ existential ennui--


926926 views66 comments77 favs

Lights of human occupation burn/ in patterns like the growth/ of a bacillus, lethal and prodigious,

The Key

936936 views22 comments00 favs

"No idea yet, why it was so important, what could it possibly mean to her? Was it someone who she knew, a distant relative, a character for her novel, something was just so strangely haunting about it that she could see it even when she did not have it in

Opposites Attract

772772 views00 comments00 favs

It was the same table they met and fell in love.

Tomatoes and Onions on the Bed

11441144 views1313 comments55 favs

That led to the first aid box on the bed at 3 in the morning, but what about those veggies?

The Ringlet

10591059 views22 comments22 favs

Most of Carl’s neighbors considered him a lone taciturn man at best and an eccentric loony at worst. His neighbors knew him as the guy who left his house every morning at eight dressed in a suit and tie.

A Little Idea

11261126 views22 comments22 favs

I have reasons to believe she’s been stealing.“ “Stealing what?” “Steaks.” “Steaks?”