by Mia Avramut
Pour warm pity into the juggles. The spectacle stings.
The juggler spins
your future in curves.
It is brief.
On his knees
he divinates diverging lines
with belly laughs he levitates
the rebel spheres into geodes .
Butterfly collar shirt wings thin black body tie
hovers above
dented fedora capsized on the sidewalk :
three coins three cufflinks
three bakelite buttons
and red red roaches dozen .
Cyclopic stares benevolent talking heads
demand a peak and a nadir.
Moon crosses Sun twice
unaligned to marry
in hot ellipse
impeccable mid-nothingness.
Touches of phosphorus bright stun hemispheres.
He dices
he toss - dices them
until all planets drop
from wonder
until their weary
bodies fall
into one single
favs |
116 words
All rights reserved. |
Published in "Marco Polo", Summer 2012.
Perfect lines -
"On his knees
he divinates diverging lines
with belly laughs he levitates
the rebel spheres into geodes."
- I wish I'd written. Great poem, Mia. Strong form.
Thank you, Sam! So glad you like it!
"The juggler spins
your future in curves.
It is brief."
Especially liked this.
Thank you, Sam and Gary! So glad you liked it.
This one made me whisper aloud OHHHH! at the end. You create such a world by what you leave out, the economy of language. And take into such transcendent states within the real.
Tantra, so delighted it worked for you!! The OHHH makes me happy!
Th poem disintegrates with the weary bodies. Brilliant work. *
Moon crosses Sun twice
unaligned to marry
in hot ellipse
impeccable mid-nothingness.
Thank you, John. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
I like how the form spins and dances with the subject, beautifully done, full of movement and life.
Gorgeous, sorry to find this sooo late. It's never too late, of course. Wonderful wordings here and moreādeep meaning. I dig it.