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Long Sticks Are Often Useful

13181318 views1111 comments1010 favs

It was just lying there by the side of the road next to a mailbox, pockets turned out, weeds kinda rolled flat around it. I counted three nickels, a dime, and a cigar butt too. I could sure use the change for gum, but I didn't want to get near it. It looked dead,…

A Whole Forest Full of Leaves

17991799 views2626 comments1313 favs

A response to Darryl Price's "Hello Is All There Is".

In the Stream of Space Expanding, Eddies

11961196 views1414 comments1010 favs

Microscopic purposes emerged// with their combinations and permutations

Pretty Face

15741574 views1515 comments99 favs

The two girls who were my best friends had not minded that I didn't draw it in. It was Obie, as we called him for short, who commanded me to inhale at thirteen. "You're dead," Obie said, as soon as I did it. I fell backward in the tall, yellow grass.

The Innocence of Age

16401640 views1414 comments1212 favs

“I want to show you something pretty.” She looked at me, chin on her chest, watery brown eyes looking up. Skin tags on her eyelids made it difficult for her to look as coquettish as she wanted. She tried to flutter what was left of her eyelashes, but syr

Lips of an Angel

14371437 views66 comments55 favs

“Hey honey. How are you?” The man sat down in the office chair, his cell phone pressed against his ear. Light peeked beneath the closed door from the main area of…

How To Break A Toe In One Easy Step

14381438 views11 comment11 fav

Life is hard and toes are fragile, which means that by the time you reach middle age, you've probably broken one. Or two. I recently broke a toe when I got out of bed in the middle of the night and tripped over a shoe. When friends and family consoled me with…

The Unsocialists

766766 views33 comments33 favs

and we’ll have dinner with the head of the Swollen Artists Club and I’ll keep my mouth tied shut with my own tongue

Things That Are Sad

962962 views44 comments33 favs

Things that are sad.


15011501 views1212 comments1212 favs

Momma called them Vaughens, "a outfit," and said, "they shoulda throwed the book at that Darla Jean."

Train Whistles In Wintertime

14861486 views1313 comments1313 favs

Train whistles in wintertime made him feel lonely.

Barn Owl

13181318 views1717 comments1717 favs

I was out of my element. I was on property that wasn't mine. In a woods with mansions tucked away among the trees.

Star Light, Star Bright

10771077 views1616 comments1212 favs

I am experience and information// at a small but irredeemable remove.

Ten Tequila Shots

15631563 views22 comments22 favs

After sprouting boobs and a vagina before her sixteenth birthday, a girl watches her divorced father fall from parental grace by drinking ten tequila shots and baring it all for the neighbors to see on his birthday.

Imparting Shots

11181118 views77 comments55 favs

He knows why I’m here, so he stalls, talking about the coffee, about how it’s a new dark blend from a little shop in The Village, about how he loves the flavor, so rich, but just because a coffee is dark doesn’t mean it’s stronger, that, in fact, it’s the

Home Security

10071007 views1111 comments77 favs

They might think that loneliness has made me gullible, more than willing to open for them all kinds of drawers.

Unwanted Stories: A Public Service Advisory

16201620 views1717 comments1414 favs

Unfinished, deeply flawed stories require the kind of handling you see in movies where a Virus That Will Doom Mankind is disposed of by scientists in hazmat suits.


10681068 views55 comments55 favs

The boy stared out his window, noting the suns slow and eventual passing behind the distant mountains. He saw his face reflected in the window pane and turned away. His shadow loomed…


863863 views22 comments11 fav

Stealing time. Always gambling. I used to wake up with wet eyes; remnants of nights and days spent in places I never wanted to leave. I took to insomnia to escape the dreams that reminded me of places I could never return to.Now I sleep here. When I can.


10641064 views22 comments11 fav

His voice isn't familiar but his words are. He says he knows we haven't spoken in years and apologizes for it. I can hear him pacing on the other end of the line, tapping things and then a shriek of glass shattering. Really, I tell him, no need to…

Danse Macabre

11931193 views1414 comments99 favs

Each day, they trot the coiffed/ and painted cadavers across the stage.

The Bird King in Love

14121412 views99 comments77 favs

1The Bird King has fallen in lovewith a radiator.He adoresher pockmarked skin,her neurotic arias,her coldness,her impulsive warmth. 2Tiring of his dalliance with the radiator,the Bird King woos an armchair.She's amply upholsteredand groans dreamilywhen he sits on…

This Is the End

12421242 views55 comments55 favs

I guess you’re gone now That’s okay I guess I can live with my own ghosts I had no idea What it meant But now I do It meant I was standing At the end of everything And did not know it


14441444 views55 comments55 favs

You want to be there, but not noticed. Alive, but not too alive. Because that's how you feel every day. Like an apology with legs.

the total compiler

10971097 views33 comments33 favs

The idea of an infinite textual universe occurs in many places in the works of Jorge Luis Borges. The contexts and permutations of language, which others had held to be perhaps infinite (allowing themselves to use such an imprecise term), that…

Drive-by Neighborhood Fiction Flash

13021302 views99 comments77 favs

It's about dinner time. My neighborhood is in Sa-bur-bia. Driving my gold 2007 Malibu i pass Chick. She notices me and stares standing in front of her house. We were friends about ten years ago. Chick is still divorced. Tall skinny legs. Educated blu-ish eyes. Wet…

What Happened To The Rain Dance?

941941 views22 comments11 fav

The water quality will give you a hint

The Mommy's Girl

18991899 views1313 comments1111 favs

Her mother dressed her like a little girl would dress a doll.


12561256 views77 comments77 favs

I can barely pick out the numbers on the houses

One Star

871871 views22 comments11 fav

...somehow that light has found me.