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13221322 views1313 comments1212 favs

Myrna came home from her new, midnight shift, waitressing job at the Waffle House saying she was sorry but she couldn't take any more gray-haired Jesus-types with their dollar bills held high, releasing a few so they would flutter, as if borne by wings, onto the tables as…

The Secret

13031303 views1313 comments1313 favs

Of course then I did it all over again. Got married, that is. Fortunately, this one worked out.

Head Over Feet.

11781178 views44 comments44 favs

And if I lived a thousand lives...

The Master of the Air

10361036 views88 comments44 favs

He thought of it as magic, but magic that he understood, the way a magician knows about the hidden compartments in his hat and trunks.

Bus Ride Through SF

11081108 views44 comments44 favs

Bud Light, B. O. and Freeloader Heaven, they step onto the back of the bus without a cent We pass by the Karma Wash but no one gets off the bus We pass by the Endless Soup and Salad Kitchen where we witness a crowd swarming over a ch


19091909 views5151 comments2727 favs

The night my mother dies we'd watched Solaris at the Quad Cinemas Afterward Hauser and I videotape each other, ask probing questions like where do you go when you die, and what is God, and who are you now? …

I've Got a Secret

15481548 views1818 comments1212 favs

There's a man sitting in my room holding a jar of my ashes. That's what he claims.

A Thousand Days

13871387 views1515 comments1313 favs

Some claim my brother lay with me, I own

If I Were a Chemist, Not Now, but Maybe In The 1920s

12791279 views1212 comments99 favs

She said, “I think I’m pregnant,” but I thought that the sidewalk looked cleaner than usual,


904904 views22 comments22 favs

“I am the Successor of Peter!” he said, supporting himself on the shepherd’s staff topped with a crucifix: “And you are trespassing on Holy Ground.” Baal said: “No ground is Holy for me.

City Meat

10041004 views44 comments44 favs

Of red snappers, flaccid on porcelain slabs...


11841184 views88 comments88 favs

I clearly see the squirrels of negativity all around me or at least I sense that they are there, filling in the blank spaces as I read down the page prior to arriving at the meaning of everything. The greenness of figs before they

30 East Towards Texarkana

11681168 views1111 comments1010 favs

44 miles out the gauntlet of Red River pines cast shadows pointing north.

The Fermi Panic

27942794 views33 comments33 favs

Schrödinger's Cat twitched and nodded as he picked up the discards, casting his mind back to 2014, when local confidence seemed at its peak . . .

Tarzan on Mars

12181218 views66 comments22 favs

Tarzan peers through a telescope. Earth, in its aphelion, is approximately 40 million miles away. A star. He lives alone. He is old. He worries about going blind. Mars is cold. But there are ways to keep warm. He reads poetry. He lets out bloodcurdling…

the girl who was my suicide

10921092 views1313 comments88 favs

last night a girl came to me in the shape of my suicide.

The Poetry of Wallace Stevens' Secretary

13931393 views66 comments44 favs

What in the name of God’s green earth does this say? “Chifferobe if you can of Aztec in coffee can”?

Apprehensions in the Garden of Gethsemane

10271027 views1010 comments99 favs

The thumb, incarnate, knows/ the moment of the misplaced hammer blow;/ the tongue, incarnate, the cool invigoration/ of water drawn from the dark well.

Not Calculable

13501350 views1717 comments1616 favs

saw the world was a mess I did nothing about it, poured myself some apple juice

1740: My 7th Great-grandfather

11211121 views88 comments99 favs

a half-moon hung straight up and down

Silence of Joy

868868 views55 comments22 favs

like a reflection vanishes

A Strategy to Overcome Rejection

11601160 views55 comments55 favs

“If your work is good you will get published. Just keep at it."

Funny Jokes

67446744 views1818 comments1717 favs

Why was the broom late for work?


12461246 views1010 comments1111 favs

She left knives and hot pots with handles akimbo. Like a guardian angel, he turned them in. Like an ungrateful Eve, she turned them back out.

a pity

16651665 views88 comments66 favs

The one that I love - doesn't love me.

Father Dunne's School for Wayward Boys #4

12191219 views2121 comments1010 favs

I approached him slowly. His voice was soft and raspy. He said, "Kneel down my son, I've been expecting you."

Old Soul

847847 views55 comments55 favs

She’s an old soul who was scattered to the winds like a thousand butterflies and a moth She has no center and flits from event to event and can’t miss out on a thing, because crikey, what if she missed something important? And the m


14491449 views1212 comments1111 favs

Cellulite is legal to have, either way.

Quitting Smack

10901090 views66 comments33 favs

I figured he knew what he was doing–he was the crazy one, after all, not me–so we took turns snorting lines of equal volume.

One Black Wheel

11541154 views44 comments44 favs

"..squeezing her eyes and mouth tightly."