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Moon View Mountain Road

12741274 views2121 comments1919 favs

I once read a book of warnings.

Dog Days

13321332 views1818 comments1717 favs

The air is dry and smoky from a fire some miles away. The air is cool. A pair of vultures is soaring in a circle high above the rising land.

The Light After Equinox

11761176 views1515 comments1212 favs

Soon enough, October’s ragged/ lawn will hide its deficiencies// under withered leaves of oak,

Father Dunne's School for Wayward Boys #6

956956 views1313 comments88 favs

Instead, we found his red-inked list of boys who would never be saved,


15801580 views1414 comments1212 favs

they'll leave soon for the drive north on the interstate

In Due Time

10671067 views1111 comments1010 favs

Almost every weekend I'd ask Henry to go out with me and Marge, telling him we could double and, hey, maybe he could bring Ellen, who he dated a while back, who still asked about him. I'd suggest such things as going to a movie or out for a few drinks to reminisce about our…

Driving Lesson

11241124 views66 comments77 favs

Just take the mountain curves as tightly to the inside and as fast as surface conditions permit and the road’s edge

Buffalo Bill and the Giant Eyeball

892892 views33 comments44 favs

Words reach out of my mind for paradise. And come back with rocks.

Here is a game...

775775 views22 comments22 favs

I give you three words dripping wet with whatever and you take them, harbor them...

You've Got that Wrong Kind of Brain

905905 views00 comments00 favs

He and Nick got a long very well, and would speak about things for hours until the morning came; and Betsy would supply them with food and coffee, and clever sayings all the while Johnny watched it all over. Tonight though, they had watched La Rafle, and

Killing with kindness

15751575 views1111 comments88 favs

I have a few medical issues.

Coffee Shop

12761276 views2424 comments1717 favs

He wore his hip in his hips, his lipsShe wanted to know if he would lick the edgesWhen he pulled the coffee cup from his mouthA bit of foam clung to his moustacheShe watched it there, wondering if he wouldTwirl it off with his fingersOr lick it, his tongue darting out like…

The Oral Tradition

905905 views33 comments33 favs

No preview available due to the brevity of the piece. In fact, this comment itself is longer than the piece.

Father Dunne's School for Wayward Boys #5

10431043 views1111 comments66 favs

The big wigs call it aiding and abetting. I became an left-handed accountant with a tendency to fudge numbers for the damned.

Exit 30

11101110 views1818 comments1717 favs

They meant no harm when they flooded farms in its swirls and eddies

I Want to Leave You With My Passwords

924924 views77 comments44 favs

I mean let's be real.

Source Code

12871287 views1616 comments1515 favs

....the first/ in a long history of indignities.

The Shop Girl

14331433 views1414 comments1010 favs

Just a little shop girl in for the summer. Working on a typewriter. Barely knowing where the keys were. That was her. She was terrible at it. He was in a suit. He looked short, and thin, but something about him was captivating. He was in his own way hands


830830 views55 comments33 favs

His eyes begin to glisten like hot green wax pooling around the wick of a pretty little candle.

Rwanda Suite: Slim

17771777 views2222 comments2020 favs

Paris was a better place for African Americans in those days. Josephine Baker sent a spray of roses. James Baldwin helped him find a good apartment.


12241224 views1313 comments1212 favs

Myrna came home from her new, midnight shift, waitressing job at the Waffle House saying she was sorry but she couldn't take any more gray-haired Jesus-types with their dollar bills held high, releasing a few so they would flutter, as if borne by wings, onto the tables as…

The Secret

11961196 views1313 comments1313 favs

Of course then I did it all over again. Got married, that is. Fortunately, this one worked out.

Head Over Feet.

10921092 views44 comments44 favs

And if I lived a thousand lives...

The Master of the Air

942942 views88 comments44 favs

He thought of it as magic, but magic that he understood, the way a magician knows about the hidden compartments in his hat and trunks.

Bus Ride Through SF

10201020 views44 comments44 favs

Bud Light, B. O. and Freeloader Heaven, they step onto the back of the bus without a cent We pass by the Karma Wash but no one gets off the bus We pass by the Endless Soup and Salad Kitchen where we witness a crowd swarming over a ch


17551755 views5151 comments2727 favs

The night my mother dies we'd watched Solaris at the Quad Cinemas Afterward Hauser and I videotape each other, ask probing questions like where do you go when you die, and what is God, and who are you now? …

I've Got a Secret

14421442 views1818 comments1212 favs

There's a man sitting in my room holding a jar of my ashes. That's what he claims.

A Thousand Days

12831283 views1515 comments1313 favs

Some claim my brother lay with me, I own

If I Were a Chemist, Not Now, but Maybe In The 1920s

11701170 views1212 comments99 favs

She said, “I think I’m pregnant,” but I thought that the sidewalk looked cleaner than usual,


832832 views22 comments22 favs

“I am the Successor of Peter!” he said, supporting himself on the shepherd’s staff topped with a crucifix: “And you are trespassing on Holy Ground.” Baal said: “No ground is Holy for me.