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The Legend of Knifemouth’s Legendary Mouth Grows

926926 views22 comments22 favs

In the small towns of central and southern Illinois there lives a very indecent sort of man.

A Skeptic’s Faith in Four Parts

10941094 views1515 comments1111 favs

The universe will fuck you over in the end./ That’s what it does, what it’s good at—

The Arrow

10891089 views55 comments55 favs

"Give it to me I said, you dip! Fork it over!"


17081708 views3232 comments1515 favs

Maybe the thing is over by now. They have gathered up all the pictures and mementos of our dad’s life and hauled them away.

The Day I Discovered, Followed The Night I Realised

964964 views44 comments33 favs

Nature is perfect... We can never learn that much

That is That

13031303 views77 comments66 favs

Alexander Ivanovich stuck out his leg and tripped Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev. Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev stood up, took two steps forward, stuck out his leg and tripped Alexander Ivanovich.

Intermission: New York City

274274 views00 comments00 favs

The liquid cognizance of this wide green sphere makes my eyes water, my conscience cheer, mademoiselle meridians swapping their places, this is the moment when no one praises and praxinoscopes like gods are at once everywhere beyond…

Alice in Hell: 13 slithy variations

943943 views22 comments22 favs

1. Having made Alice from one of the Mad Hatter's ribs, Humpty Dumpty told her she could do anything, except speak. “How bothersome!” she said.2. In the church, Alice was horrified to be presented with a talking lamb. “EAT ME!” it bleated and, as the…

Wherever and Whenever

682682 views44 comments44 favs

It’s good to get fucked in the rain. It’s good to get fucked in the back seat of a power boat on a river in the hot summer air with the mosquitos sucking the life out of you. It’s good to get fucked with your bare back rubbing up against the

My Not Entirely Serious Predictions for Season Four of Sherlock

943943 views33 comments11 fav

The BBC's “Sherlock” is among the most popular shows on TV, and there has been much speculation among die-hard fans like myself about what the upcoming fourth season will hold. Having consulted my own crystal ball, here's what I see happening: Irene…

Peshawar kids

16801680 views1414 comments1414 favs

a dark day

The First Time

10211021 views1111 comments99 favs

The summer I turned fourteen I had a job babysitting our neighbor, Pam's three year old daughter, Annie, three nights a week while Pam was going to Junior College, but it was hardly work because, after I tucked Annie in to sleep, I just watched TV, sitting in Pam's den…


12361236 views1212 comments44 favs

all / the secret letters/ ever dreamed up

Well Enough Away

999999 views22 comments22 favs

Everybody knew the buildings were trying to kill us.

I Don't Want to Go to the Bronx

10341034 views55 comments33 favs

"... each of them stuck in one finger to sample the goods. Just then Katie felt a breeze on her bare legs. Her skirt literally moving."

Bad Monkey

10941094 views33 comments33 favs

The hotel sits on the highest point in Shimla: a place of cedar-scented air, an aggressive monkey population, and summer houses left by the British Raj.


12931293 views1111 comments66 favs

Altodog was dressed in filthy chef’s trousers and a long-sleeved purple dress shirt, somewhat dignified by a tattered black vest.

Dog, Deer, and Boy

683683 views22 comments22 favs

A black and white Malamute chasing down a deer to the edge of the water, and putting her mouth on it. The hurt deer fallen into the water to escape. Red blood floating out into the water like cloth. The boy racing down the slope into the reeds t

Every Woman Adores a Fascist

11301130 views1515 comments99 favs

We liked the orderly Newtonian/ with its fundamentalist action/ and reaction, its rules

Day Slides Like A Drop

862862 views22 comments11 fav

later still wine parties with cucumber red and rich


10651065 views11 comment11 fav

The Bird King is trapped behind the mirrors. Sometimes you'll see a hand, a wing, fluttering in a dark space. You may even see his breath, a pulse of mist in a corner of the glass. But don't ever smash his silvered prison. Don't ever let him out and into the world.*****O…

City Fragment Thru A Fractured Lens

332332 views22 comments11 fav

I Tinseled nebulae scatter, couples dance the dance of meridians, as seekers of that dream that does not seek; but so are we, but sense everything shall become antique, that the tragic is everything. Reverent this loneliness. Giving…

Arcana Magi Zero - c.2

921921 views00 comments00 favs

It was so dark below, there was only flashlights weaving about and headlights pointing in one direction.

The Face in the Oatmeal

10691069 views55 comments44 favs

It was uncomfortable to realize people had agendas. That there could be invisible realities.


11921192 views99 comments77 favs

It sometimes happens a student remains a friend long after you both have abandon academe.

A Friend From Back Then

10691069 views1212 comments1212 favs

That afternoon she met me in the lobby of my hotel and we simply smiled at each other in the elevator going up to my room where we sat on the couch for about three hours and told of our lives, of being apart, for so many years, then sensing our time was nearly used up, I…

Koch Brothers

10151015 views1111 comments99 favs

When Chuck dies, I’ll throw/ a party and dance, a little drunk,/ across what I’ll pretend/ is the old shit’s grave.


897897 views00 comments00 favs

From outside it looked abandoned. We lived at the top of a dead end hill. The grass was high and brown, the bricks in the driveway were crooked, caved in. The winter was mild; rotten crabapples, half-frozen, lined the end of the road. This was my house.


937937 views11 comment11 fav

our cogs winding and whirring

Blonde Woman with Sunglasses

331331 views22 comments11 fav

Sometimes everything becomes as meaningless as a blonde woman with sunglasses. Still, there is something reassuring about the blonde woman with sunglasses, as she sits there alien to any regime, while I build my new empire of vanilla ice cream, so…