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Unveiling Kirkiss Automated Amazon Reviews!!!

13911391 views2020 comments1212 favs

No! No! Nonononono!

Like Water

12911291 views1818 comments1414 favs

I become a lake, a river, a stream, an ocean that will one day be able to move anything, anyone.

But It's Been a While

10951095 views1818 comments1515 favs

When I first met Luther he was sitting on the sidewalk, his back pushed up against a vacant storefront wall, thumbing through the “help wanted” section of a few-days-old copy of our local paper and I was moved to offer him a couple of dollars for which he said,…

Going Organic

982982 views55 comments55 favs

I should probably make it clear up front that I am not in my right mind, which I quite understand compromises the credibility of what I'm about to say. Without going into the history of my minor and somewhat more major psychotic episodes, my psychiatrist, unsure how finally…

Fat Man in a Blizzard

14221422 views1717 comments1515 favs

There he was. Minnesota Fats, short and pudgy, jowly and blond-haired.

Blizzard on 105th Street

12281228 views1919 comments1616 favs

severe snow storm coming. I'm looking for a parking spot and listening to Machito & Charlie Parker

Greenback Fly

11361136 views88 comments77 favs

It doesn't take a genius to figure how he sank, in the drink, like Jeff Buckley. Like a stone.

Meditating on a Bottle of Salad Dressing

318318 views77 comments33 favs

There's a man in a Mackintosh reading Harper's Bazaar, I think many things are bizarre, I think the possibility of things not being bizarre is bizarre. Sometimes I'll have a great notion, doesn't everyone? I dreamt I fought in the civil war in the…

Keep it, Curt

12911291 views3838 comments1818 favs

Just move out.

When Birds Do Not Fly

10761076 views44 comments44 favs

The last chick in the nest

How to pick up women.

11081108 views77 comments55 favs

The easiest and most legal way to pick up a woman is to take a single, writer friend with you to a bar. While there, look for the woman you are interested in. Her? Are you sure? Okay then. Next, tell your writer friend that the woman keeps looking at him when he's…

Manifest Destiny

902902 views1111 comments88 favs

Will it take the rise/ of cyber guerillas to finish it/ in the way it should be finished

from Presence

11581158 views55 comments44 favs

facts are facets are / things in the act // the truth speaks softly // as time saying amber / to the enduring sap // words come and go / like leaves like men // we the tree remain ...

A Horse Walks into a Bar

25662566 views55 comments55 favs

I got this job where I sell snow cones from a cart in a petting zoo. Parents ask if their children can take pictures with me. I neigh and nod my big horse head. After my shifts, I go into the bar, still in my getup, as this horse, and the bartender says,

Working Girls

10621062 views1111 comments99 favs

In the summer when it's light out later it's my nature to linger a couple of hours in the park after work, just standing around watching the Downtown Divas working the corner, offering themselves to each male driver who stops for the light and I always joke with them about…

Arcana Magi Zero - c.4

11471147 views00 comments00 favs

Mulberry Street was once filled with people. Just going about themselves; day to day, minding their business. To school, to work, to deliveries, or to personal priorities, it all came to halt. What Marissa saw was unlike anything she experienced in her li

Philip Guston Painting of the Courtroom

11571157 views66 comments55 favs

While the head of the KKK stands by for the next order, ready to mete out punishment, and smoking a cigar. They are so efficient, like ex-Nazis.

Take Back the Night

10471047 views1717 comments99 favs

A woman who is, say, a culinary arts champion or an heiress devoted to literature such as Bryher (Annie Winifred Ellerman) or Peggy Guggenheim might be able to turn me on, turn me out, turn me around.

Which Way to the Vomitorium

725725 views1818 comments1111 favs

When I saw that Chez Panisse was serving crawdaddies (the menu called them crayfish, but I know a crawdaddy when I see it), I relaxed. I didn't eat the ugly creatures when my brother fished them out of irrigation ditches back on our farm near Roswell, and

Librarians! What Are We Hiding?

12541254 views1111 comments99 favs

Librarians are hiding something. What is it?

Another Dream

960960 views99 comments77 favs

“I fly in my dreams,” his mother said. “It's my privilege.”

How the Body Prepares Itself

13781378 views1818 comments1414 favs

it corrupts the smells// and flavors of the world/ and plants its swollen face


13491349 views66 comments66 favs

My father was dating already. Her name was Shelly. She had a man-like body, buck teeth and red hair, a big forehead. I don't know what bog she climbed out of. She wanted to fill in for my mother, but I locked her out of my room. I just wanted to be sad and hold…

When Serpents Had Stairs

13331333 views55 comments44 favs

Pombo had never exhibited such powers of concentration with elevators or with other escalators, the young girl confessed to the museum staff.

My Resolutions for 2015

892892 views88 comments55 favs

The only resolution I ever kept was when I said I wasn't going to create any more resolutions, and now I'm going to break that one.

Then, But Not Now

12111211 views1414 comments1313 favs

The one-legged crow was back in the yard again today, as it was yesterday and may have been before, but yesterday was the first time I noticed it among the murder while using the binoculars that I often use to bring things closer, things like these iridescent and beautiful…

The Blue of Milk

18051805 views3535 comments1717 favs

She said this is our abode and it sounded like a warble and she made a sweeping gesture with her arm and the boy started to cry.

A Change in Status on the Facebook of Cement

11421142 views88 comments77 favs

First he wrote it in wet cement at the intersection: “Tad Loves Kimberley,” with a big heart around it. He was real proud, you could see. But then later on that year, the graffiti began appearing everywhere, on all the store walls: “Kimberle

Life Sized

11511151 views55 comments55 favs

The first time I saw Little Man was on a bright, hot afternoon near the end of November, when the trains had just pulled into the fair grounds and the familiar smell of upturned turf and sun-basked animals returned to Sarasota.


817817 views44 comments33 favs

He called himself Theodore Birdwhistle.