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Ornamental Onion

15801580 views77 comments33 favs

i imagined myself & i was phlox saxifrage pompom ranunculus poppy anemone ornamental onion rattlesnake red ribbon nerine & i loved the painted tongue & i wore the rattlesnake

The Sum Above

15801580 views1515 comments1414 favs

The mandatory is not / your friend

The Invasion Of Iraq

15801580 views11 comment11 fav

The U.S. blasted into Iraq like gangbangers, baby! All that Shock and Awe shit... Zeep, excitement rekindled within him, hired three chippies, Foxy, Loxy, and Roxy, and partied! He managed between…

Dinner at the Whorehouse with Geraldo Rivera

15791579 views2626 comments1515 favs

wear that short skirt and those high-heeled boots


15791579 views55 comments44 favs

The morning of her suicide, Nonny Rice received a letter.

Honey Bee

15791579 views66 comments22 favs

But only to watch the boys squelched over and over — only to suffer the longing of a life I will never live with them while in the nunnery of honey.

Quiet City

15791579 views66 comments66 favs

I hope you'll have the time to read this before your attention wanders.

mary jane - snow white super girl

15791579 views00 comments11 fav

holland's hope and hawaii skunk god's one true gift to mankind

And then the Heat Broke

15791579 views77 comments22 favs

She did not know Robert’s skin was sliced and bruised from the twelve pound ball and chain locked to his ankle for sixteen hours that night.

Trust Walk

15791579 views44 comments11 fav

They were two girls walking home from school.

The Invisible Corpse Candle

15781578 views1616 comments55 favs

Her eyes stared wide with panic, her teeth chattered intermittently with impressive intensity, and with her ineffectual stabs at the air she completed the portrait of distracted mania.

Roadside Attraction

15781578 views2626 comments2020 favs

There is a certain stage of sobriety among men who drink every night. In that stage, they are their best selves: they write novels, fix cars, care for their young. Then they change.

Gang Bangs, and My First Time, Almost

15781578 views66 comments33 favs

Glen always had to be the first to fuck his sister, especially before that big galoot from down the street, whom Cheryl really liked to fuck, otherwise Glen would get violent. She had just started having her periods then, I remember. We were all there one

September Morning

15781578 views1414 comments1010 favs

They were carried out / over shoulders of running soldiers / naked bodies pass

The Goldberg Variations

15781578 views99 comments66 favs

Sorry Glenn Gould, I said, but our princess is in another castle. After that, Glenn and I went to an all night diner and ate scrambled eggs.

Dinner with Sam Rockwell

15781578 views3131 comments1313 favs

“I liked you best in Choke–you were sexy in a lazy, sort of ‘70s way.”

Talking about a Friend Over a Cup or Two of Coffee

15771577 views1313 comments1313 favs

Talking about a Friend Over a Cup or Two of Coffee “Their first fight was over school lunches. Free school lunches. She taught Kindergarten in a public special ed center for emotionally disturbed children. The…

They're cutting the catalpa tree (Catalpa speciosa) in Essen, Germany

15771577 views3838 comments2020 favs

They cut the tall specious tree storms snapped the night in two or three. At times they pause most piously to count each ring of truth, drive nails into the stiff cathartic spine, divine if this unseasoned cigar topiary agrees with its own everlasting te

1918, 1944, 1991, and now

15771577 views1212 comments66 favs

Disability is indivisibility—all of us could be its members—unlike its affirmative action forebears who remain underrepresented, even as the groups’ selected contestants prepare to retire early, a distributed group whose specialty is American anthropology

Red Left Hand

15771577 views55 comments33 favs

"I see a child's bicycle swarmed by bees. A stolen oil painting of a, no, that ain't it. Wait. A high school basketball coach will hang himself from a bridge you often think about. This man, now, he's a Navajo Indian.

The Strange Edge: Have I Stumbled Upon a New Idear? (Blog)

15771577 views66 comments00 favs

Slipstream features strange events in a typical world whereas New Weird features typical events in a strange world.

To Do Reminders

15761576 views99 comments99 favs

Frisbee dog. Stealth the cat. Read more. Cut toenails. Less wine. Bind the ties. Avoid mirrors. Divide water.

Cream-colored Berets and Big Fish

15761576 views1313 comments1414 favs

Alone on the platform, I waited for a train.

She Waited for Him

15761576 views1616 comments1717 favs

what smells like love may not be love at all

Numb And Number

15761576 views55 comments33 favs

He looked up as he reached the intersection, and crossed as it cleared. His head was down again as he walked toward his car, which was parked beside a schoolyard, where junior high students were involved in an after-school game of touch football. He smi

Evil Humors

15761576 views2323 comments1515 favs

I blame it all on evil humors. Something's leaking.

On reading the “Lives of the Poets” by Michael Schmidt

15761576 views66 comments22 favs

And now its done! Five months read! This book is batoning in my head. Its eleven o'clock AM and hot as hell, even the breeze, billowing nets through the sliding screen adds sweat, cuts me down to size. I will needs again to…

Sweet & Sour

15761576 views1717 comments77 favs

Since the divorce had gone final, the matter settled once and for all, he’d taken to a masochistic bingo of sorts.


15761576 views2424 comments44 favs

A woman’s hair is her crowning glory, my grandmother always said.

The most tender thing

15751575 views77 comments77 favs

Somehow, I have your body, but you’ve gone missing.