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This Is What Happens to the World in 10 Seconds

17901790 views1616 comments1313 favs

1. Everyone disappears.2. Stars map themselves.3. The moon fills her bathtub over and over. You can't watch it for too long or you go mad, shouting, "Just get in, get in!"4. The ghosts of certain broken poets stand under apple trees and lean their hands on the…

The Olivetti, the Bomb, and Why I Got My Degree in Economics

17901790 views1111 comments77 favs

The revolution. It found me, and I didn’t even get blown by the bomb.


17901790 views11 comment11 fav

We do not say to the fish, “How do you pronounce your name?” For its name is long and colorful, like the rainbow. We can pound the kalo plant into sweetened poi before it answers.

Five Uneasy Pieces

17891789 views2020 comments99 favs

Eighteen-layered canvases were prized by both of them, regardless of whose work appeared on top.

Something About Ireland (from FATHER MUST)

17881788 views44 comments33 favs

That’s the way it went all day with me—didn’t get far, didn’t see much, just, with Mary, drank tea here and there. A fine day it was, too; not cloudy, not raining...

Ecce viator : Behold the Traveler

17881788 views22 comments00 favs

The snake glides unhurriedly through the garden one warm July afternoon looking for a schmoose. Or barring such pleasant daytime passage, a shady snoozing spot. He twines himself about the gravid apple tree’s trunk caduceus-like, slithering his handsom

The Haunted Coins

17871787 views1414 comments99 favs

(I woke once from a bad dream to throw them from the drawer, but my hands were so clammy, the coins stuck to my hand! I had to scrape them off my palm on the edge of the table.)

I'm a Man of Few Words

17871787 views1515 comments1010 favs

Of only there were more like you, I wouldn't be changing careers. And my drawings would still be in magazines, instead of on strange people's rears.

The Late Show at the Argo

17871787 views1010 comments22 favs

The couple drove away at the end of the late show. They crashed sooner or later, often with fatalities to the woman cuddled up against her illicit lover.

The Bottle

17861786 views88 comments55 favs

That bottle just sits there in the closet, next to the hats and a box full of old gloves. Years it’s been there. Try as we might, we never open it. We just don’t have a damn thing to celebrate. Who was it brought that bottle into our lives and went and ruined …

The Boy I Didn't Grow Up With

17851785 views1010 comments77 favs

I don't remember much before my brother moved out, but one thing that stands out in my mind was the bathroom we shared. He'd pull a stool up to…

Unattended (novel excerpt)

17851785 views66 comments22 favs

A sticky glass. An open copy of Outside magazine. A flat part of the meadow that reeked of blood and cologne. A dog (my dog) hidden in the closet, shivering so hard the hangers jangled.

Metal Heads: A Novel

17841784 views11 comment11 fav

The orange sky melts away. Shadows fall and twist in the wind. I’m on patrol with three of my buds, there to retrieve the body of a fallen comrade, Bill’s body, we’re told. They got him, used him, then dumped his body in a ditch and said, “He

I Will Never Be Happy

17841784 views33 comments33 favs

The woman’s face bulges on one side to signify that she is eating.

Summer recipes

17831783 views1818 comments1313 favs

Instead of julienning the fava beans you could, instead, slip your linen shirt off your pink shoulders and hang it on a tree branch like a white flag yelling “I don’t want to fight anymore, goddamit, this aftenoon is beautiful.”

Only in America

17831783 views2828 comments1919 favs

Mullah Omar was quoted as saying that “America will fall to the ground.” The extinction of America will come about if God is willing.

Possum Woman

17831783 views33 comments00 favs

They always referred to her as the possum woman back home. She scoured the streets just as the sun fell into deep slumber behind the sentinel, sun tanned shoulders of the mountains encircling small town anywhere.


17831783 views2020 comments99 favs

Something about the Garden of Eden. That it isn't really a garden, and I'm not even sure what Eden means.


17821782 views2222 comments1515 favs

There's a mutual recognition...

Hunting the Thylacine

17821782 views00 comments00 favs

“Ah, there’s the Tasmanian tiger,” the visitor says in an American accent, maybe midwestern. “It’s called a ‘thyracine,’ right?” “Thylacine, yes.” “Un huh. Thylacine. Extinct now, isn’t it?” “Oh! Let’s hope not

It's Only Natural

17821782 views88 comments33 favs

I just like puppies, and slapping people.

Real Estate

17811781 views4141 comments1111 favs

He drove down there in his truck the second time. Didn't want to get anywhere near that snooty car of hers.

Two or Three Late Encounters with Empiricism

17801780 views99 comments66 favs

Schrödinger did not keep cats about just by accident, and were they keeping an eye on him!

Flaubert Eats Breakfast with His Mom

17801780 views3333 comments2424 favs

your mania for sentences / has dried up your heart

The Cool Aunt

17801780 views11 comment11 fav

You never forget your first mouthful of monkey stew.

On The Death of A Friend

17791779 views2020 comments1313 favs

I heard today about your friend

At a loss

17781778 views55 comments55 favs

I used to charm you, hold you in my hand.


17781778 views99 comments33 favs

The year I lick so much windowpane off stamps I have to use Elmer's glue to back the twenty-center for a postcard cash request to my mother, that I am alive note at the end of term, is the year of all the "wine" parties. "Wine" is what we put down


17781778 views11 comment11 fav

Light was always fucking with you in LA, especially in the afternoon where it possessed a golden hue that could knock you over if you weren’t careful. Its beauty reminded you of what you lacked.

Through the Looking Glass: Humpty Dumpty 2011

17771777 views2121 comments1111 favs

“When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”