A woman at work solicits paperbacks for our soldiers, especially action/suspense.
I feel for her, wanting to help, yet here I sit trapped in my white marble grief for our sons that are always so broken.
Often it feels we lose our men long before they enlist in their dreams of glory that we haven't healed in more than 10,000 years.
In Papua New Guinea women make a pact to slay their male babies, as there seems to be no other way to stop a brutal war of already far too many generations.
At this point men in the west are crying “murder.” Would you rather wait till they all grow up and kill each other properly then?
In Israel they are willing to imprison high school kids who do not want to kill and do not want to die.
You say it is too difficult to simply withdraw and let go of righteous dreams. You say I don't understand the staggering complexities.
Do you believe then that it is easier to simply die?
Come home, my love, and live.
I want you in the fields beside me, not huddling in far-away trenches. I want you to climb with me the narrow path toward intelligence with its dangerous cliffs and its breathtaking vistas.
I don't want you on my lap, broken for any reason.
Come home, my son, my brother, my father, my husband. Come home, my love, and live.
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253 words
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"I don't want you on my lap, broken for any reason." What a great line. This is poignant work. *
I'm a wreck. this is gorgeous.
"You say it is too difficult to simply withdraw and let go of righteous dreams...."
B. - first time reading right there in the moment, assumed "withdraw" to be a love-making kind of reaction, that you were turning things there (withdraw = pulling out. )
I was wrong, and yet, that idea stayed with me, the remarkable connection between men and women in love and war, what you make here expands into something wild and raw -- that tenuous and that necessary all at once
Outstanding. Great piece - all the way through. Wonderful form & music in this, Beate.
Thank you. Jill, Meg, and Sam. I am moved by your comments.
"I want you to climb with me the narrow path toward intelligence with its dangerous cliffs and its breathtaking vistas."
Beautiful refrain.
Very touched by this, Beate.
"Often it feels we lose our men long before they enlist in their dreams of glory that we haven't healed in more than 10,000 years."
This seems to be what humankind must carry.
Pieta is one of my favorite works of art and this expanded on it. Fave.
Beautifully done.
Powerful. Needed to be said. Thank you for saying it. *
beautiful, powerful piece, Beate..I love the structure and the title is so perfect, last lines are heart-wrenching...amazing work *
Wow, I'm stunned. Gorgeous.
Beautiful. Stell dir vor, es gibt Krieg aber niemand geht hin. FAVE
A stunning piece, Beate. Your soul shines through this one.*
This is so lovely, I am blown away.
Dangerous cliffs, breathtaking vistas, a woman at work, wholeheartedly.
Bill, Berit, James Lloyd, Jack, Kathy, Matthew, Christopher, MaryAnne, Robert, J. Mykell, I'm so pleased this piece resonated with you. Thank you for reading, commenting, faving.
Christopher, I so wish!
Bill and J. Mykell, you picked my favorite image of this piece. Thanks.
MaryAnne, this morning on my morning run I thought how this is really not poetry, not fiction, but journalism of the soul. Now your comment about the soul. Lovely. Thanks.
Good God, but total goosebumps reading this. Beate you have outdone yourself. So much here, so truly from the heart. Brava! Brava!
Thank you, Susan.
women killing their male babies, their reasons when you think of why, make it less horrible.
much to think about in this great piece.
Oh, Estelle, it's still horrible to me--it's haunted me ever since I first heard, and the desperation behind it. Thank you for reading this.
"You say I don't understand the staggering complexities.
Do you believe then that it is easier to simply die?"
this is the point --so true--social vs. life *
How we suffer for our own and others' self-made catastrophes. How we never, never learn to seek less so that we can all become more. After reading this piece and JLD's, I can't read any more today. Too sad. Too bleak.*
Beautiful and powerful work. *
These powerful and important words, the way they tie so strongly to the title image (and all that image holds), the way they place themselves in the context of the world and what has come before - *
These powerful and important words, the way they tie so strongly to the title image (and all that image holds), the way they place themselves in the context of the world and what has come before - *
These powerful and important words, the way they tie so strongly to the title image (and all that image holds), the way they place themselves in the context of the world and what has come before - *
Phenomenal, Beate. So powerful. *
Bobbi, Joani, Christian, Kari, Foster--thank you for reading this piece. Your comments here mean a lot to me.
Beautifully done. This is really stunning. *
Bonnie, thank you for your comment.
And yet there are women who send white feathers to men who won't or can't fight. How frightening and mournful the human condition is.
Brilliant. Beautiful. Bravo!
Love this piece- a work of art that recounts the sculptures and gives them new meaning.
Hello Beate, warm thanks for your comment on my microfiction which allowed me to discover your work. I particularly enjoyed Pieta, a strong undercurrent in this one.
Do you know the song, "Johhny I hardly knew you"? It came to mind as I read this.