100 0 0
Raymond Hunter killed a man in Mexico. It was long ago—before Commander Zero took up arms in Chiapas. Before the Shah had been run off the Peacock Throne. Before even the young Hearst heiress had been retired for good and all from the tabloids. And it t
77 1 0
I was going through Lenin's jewelry and his paintings with a team of experts. I got the idea that I was hired to verify his paintings, although I didn't know he painted.
When I went home people were staying with us who were actors and actresses, and
142 10 7
"The worst was the maggots."
1878 37 25
Come home, my love, and live.
1138 2 1
Well, yeah but no one that wasn't pointing a gun at me, mostly. I shot at a lot of people but there were only three times when I can honestly say I know that I blew someone away.
1043 10 4
Contest rules are simple. Two teams of five hunters each are established by drawing from pools of interested volunteers and selected prison inmates confined for capital crimes and illegal immigration.
89 11 7
“Don't kill anything unless you are planning to eat it,” was the white unicorn's favorite line in Crocodile Dundee. Inspired, the unicorn awkwardly climbed on a box that still smelled faintly of the green apple glycerin soap it had once contained. …
1847 33 24
No one explained triumph
would feel like this.
1330 3 2
It wasn't meant to happen like this— the shutter, the feeling of breathlessness when he touched her shoulder, even after he had pointed out all of the things she had done incorrectly throughout the day. They had been married for five years in February, and as…