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944944 views22 comments00 favs

her skin was delicate, fragile, that old woman skin that appears to be translucent.the rip caused by the knife opened it up like tissue paper. blood welled for a moment, then poured out with real purpose.this was the delight he found in old ladies.. the scent of their…

Zin Is Not a True Vegetarian

944944 views88 comments66 favs

She wakes up lip-syncing the remnants of a dream: the throb of cherry blossoms, the whine of lotus flowers.

Haliburton v US: Fallout

944944 views99 comments55 favs

Immediately following the landmark decision, Justice Roberts departed Washington for a six week, thirty state tour to educate and inform the Citizens of the United States regarding the judiciary and its fundamental role in the American Way.

My Commencement Speech

944944 views11 comment11 fav

To The Graduates Of The Class Of 2010: You are here today at a critical crossroads of your life. For most of your 22 years you’ve been taught to work hard, obey the rules, listen with respect to your elders and to trust that every effort you make wil

Probability of Rain

944944 views55 comments55 favs


Out of His League

944944 views22 comments00 favs

He strikes out with this one...

A Saturday Prize-fight in Cannington

944944 views11 comment22 favs

Lovell saw his chance, and more quickly than anyone thought possible delivered a sharp blow to Linehan's hitherto untouched jaw. The Irishman collapsed, and stayed down for the full count of thirty. The courtyard was then filled with shouts of incredulit

Coyote Captured Outside Lower Manhattan Café

944944 views44 comments44 favs

I heard the patron yelling, “Hey, man! That’s my cappuccino!” when the young female snatched it and got away. But the police cornered her a few blocks away, licking the last bits of foam off her wiley whiskers. That’s how they knew they had

Walking To Gibraltar, Chapter 14: In Which 500 Fucking Words Appear

944944 views22 comments11 fav

This was before the cancer, years before. He did this every day: up at five, before Astrid and Max. Four cups of coffee in the machine. A bowl of granola. Five hundred words. Five hundred words no matter goddamn what. Five hundred words on Sunday and Chri

In The Place Between - Conclusion

944944 views00 comments00 favs

You know what happened. You heard about it. We were considered unuseful to the Nazis and were gassed in those shower rooms. It was all over so quick; I had hardly a chance to understand. I really did not feel anything because before it was over, I, being

Denis Johnson

944944 views55 comments22 favs

How strangely perfect it is To see this man memorializedAn author, so I'll always cheerThough I haven't yet read his worksA secret perhaps best keptThe shame of an English major, the shame of a friendHow strangely perfect it is To read even the names paying…

Our Valentine's Day Special (From The Law Offices of Paul Steven Stone)

944944 views55 comments22 favs

This year, instead of giving roses or candy for Valentine's Day, why not give something your spouse will never forget. A brand new divorce!


943943 views55 comments33 favs

It was on the Fake News today, Oh boy They built a bridge from Alaska to Siberia Called the Bridge Over Troubled Waters Instead of a wall And Putin came riding bareback on a pink unicorn Into the White House and renamed it The White Horse,

The Duke of Travel

943943 views1515 comments77 favs

...he had that same grin, better than a racy French picture.

a walk on the moon

943943 views00 comments00 favs

I know I used to say I’d rather walk on the moon with my own rapacity. And you can easily say things like that, given the luxuriance of youth. But it was a lie, if you want to know the truth. That is only so much hot balloon air, puffed up in the chest,

Nesting Code

943943 views33 comments11 fav


Where Does Love Come?

943943 views11 comment11 fav

He was rummaging through his giant pile of clothing on the floor, looking for something to wear to sleep. When he couldn't quite tell what was dirty and what was clean, he knew it was time for laundry. Just as he was going to…

Reading Without an ISBN

943943 views1111 comments44 favs

The goal is to perform along with Jason Lee Norman--who is touring with his book of very short stories called Americas--a selection from my own collection called Country Without a Name. The symmetry excites me.

Sometimes everything is depthless.

943943 views44 comments11 fav

There is some debate about what kind of twins they are. It’s a fissure between aesthetics and science.

Actually I Train Woodpeckers for Al-Qaeda

943943 views55 comments11 fav

Now that Spring has sprung I am reminded about the day a former neighbour complained about my squirrel collection. I love to feed the black squirrels that gather in my yard and she became convinced I had trained several ninja squirrels to enter her garden

The Tour(ette's) Guide

943943 views55 comments33 favs

There is a woman in here- I am never alone- but she is fully clothed in Detroit Derby Dolls gear and stands at a modest seven inches tall.

NAN : A Novel-In-Stories

943943 views00 comments00 favs

My novel-in-stories, NAN, is now available as an ebook for $6.99. Thanks to everyone who read the first 7 published stories here on Fictionaut.


943943 views1212 comments1010 favs

let it lie

Rabbit Trail

943943 views66 comments33 favs

Sorrow fences with fear and questions

If I Was A Bum

943943 views33 comments00 favs

If I was a bum I’d risk everything for a drink or a smoke I would beg and curse and steal if I was a bum If I was a bum I would cuss out the Pope I would not vote for anyone because I would know truly they’d be telling gross lies

My Heart goes Boom

943943 views33 comments00 favs

On his knees in front of the transplant board, he pleaded for his ailing heart, spluttering on its last dying beats, to be replaced with a bomb.

Kafka, Smashed

943943 views99 comments77 favs

perhaps I am only being transported not for replacement but for repair


942942 views33 comments22 favs

I used to compare her to a sunburnthe first of the summerit is always the worst oneexposed skinalmost hot to the touchturning warm and pinkthen raw and redit is a transition that is effortlessbut still you can feel it happeninga lot like loveyou can feel it all around…

The Maple Leaf Club

942942 views66 comments22 favs

One of his operas was confiscated when he couldn’t pay a hotel bill. He ended up in a mental home, demented from syphilis.

No Risks Left To Take.

942942 views66 comments44 favs

There are no risks left to take. The notion of solitude hums with happiness. Bees gather particularly good honey and a hurricane stops suddenly, deciding not to embark on its natural terror hunt. And I just keep avoiding the knives, the pills and the…