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Farming, A Handbook (for Wendell Berry)

18251825 views77 comments33 favs

out here the land/speaks in Quaker silence

Van Gogh's Peach Tree

18251825 views77 comments22 favs

There is a boy. The boy is standing in front of a munificent peach tree in all the splendor and atrophy of his afternoon existing. Shadows? Yes. There are midday shadows, hiding and seeking, long and greyish to offset the bright reds and violets and orang

The Gift

18251825 views66 comments22 favs

She reached under the tissue and pulled out a third gift. “It’s like peeling open my heart,” he said, “one layer for each year.”

Glass Handcuffs

18251825 views44 comments22 favs

Maybe it's a suicide clock, counting the drops of blood on the bathroom tile. A cancer clock counting the number of good cells still willing to fight. Maybe it's a justice clock, counting the remaining days of freedom you have left.

Well, I LOVE Darkness . . . But I've Chosen YOU!!!

18241824 views11 comment11 fav

The elevator door opened, and Tom ("The Baffler") Frank found himself confronted by Jesu bar Joseph, who opined: "You're WORTHLESS!" and recommended: "Why dontcha PULL your PANTS down, and CUT your COCK off!"

Amends '82: Part One

18241824 views00 comments00 favs

The kitchen I snuck out of seventeen years before kept fading to black and white, with this layer of something between me and them.

If Dogs Should Come

18241824 views99 comments55 favs

do not run

Chimera (a wild and unrealistic dream or notion)

18231823 views1010 comments1010 favs

... while I lie, cool as a nectar cream snowball, in my Maggie The Cat slip, painting my toenails a color called Bad Influence

How to Travel with Your Demons (2)

18221822 views1313 comments1313 favs

The love of hundreds of people, seemingly, rain down from the sky, but its not like when the cock hits the good spot inside you. And everybody who is reading this knows this is true. We all know what that feels like, that aha moment, that eiphany, like,

Jeanne's Song, 2010

18221822 views99 comments44 favs

I think that I write toward death and to stave off death and to remember the dead and to address what is dead in me.


18211821 views1111 comments77 favs

We all build portraits, meaning we all try to encapsulate and thus punctuate time. Why? Because, who among us can swallow eternity whole?


18211821 views66 comments11 fav

Holly Hope had met Latest Girlfriend once and was pleased to see that the woman wore stylish dresses, even if the end results looked like Liz Claiborne had tried to clothe a cigarette machine.

Giant Piece of Art Causes Chaos in Switzerland

18191819 views33 comments00 favs

Flying Piece of Art Causes Chaos in Switzerland (from news article, with some additions) A giant inflatable dog turd by an American artist blew away from an exhibition in the garden of a Swiss Museum, bringing down a power line and breaking a gree


18171817 views1010 comments77 favs

Now, these explosions announced, political bribes and propaganda weren't going to be enough to push things through. There would need to be survival from blunt force trauma and fear tactics, a relentless forward march

Jesus in Eden

18171817 views1313 comments1010 favs

Eve is eating a plum. The plum is cold and how it got cold is sort of a mystery, but there are mysteries everywhere and the cold juice on her face doesn't really incline her to worry much about mysteries.


18161816 views55 comments66 favs

for E. …

Animals in Reverse

18161816 views2424 comments1313 favs

She was still alive when I started to write the story of her life, called Lucy's Story, about her recovery from catnip, but it was not the real story. In the fake story, she took the subway to A.A.

55 words #3

18161816 views88 comments77 favs

...filled with the wildness, the inner sensibility of brilliance.

Jim Morrison Is Not Dead

18161816 views22 comments22 favs

At a good distance, he stood. Hair, gray, stringy, long as a horse’s mane. His beard, thick, unkempt. Like a caterpillar, a smile worked across his face. No, he said. It won’t be another Miami. Not another Miami.


18151815 views2323 comments1919 favs

“Mescaline occurs naturally in our bodies, you know,” I said.


18151815 views3737 comments2525 favs

Come home, my love, and live.

Wrapping Kevin

18151815 views1111 comments77 favs

Wrapping Kevin It was his last…

Touching Candy Taylor

18151815 views55 comments88 favs

But you know what? You give yourself a fall back plan, you fall back. Not me. I am shooting for the stars and rising high. Next week, I start filming my first feature film. I get to play Tommy Lee Jones’ sexy little stepdaughter. Me and Tommy are g

We Put a Smile Back on Your Face

18131813 views77 comments66 favs

Her voice mail announced: “I’m coming for three days...Make sure the dog hair’s cleaned up, I have allergies.”


18131813 views2121 comments1313 favs

This is my house. You park in the back. * This is a picture of flowers and hands.

Fair-Weather Best Friends Forever

18121812 views22 comments33 favs

“How scared?” Mikey said, not wanting to find out, and already looking pretty nervous.


18121812 views00 comments00 favs

Like gymnastics, shoplifting is a discipline of youth.

Sri Lanka

18121812 views22 comments11 fav

When he turned to the quiet sound of her voice, he knew he'd heard her before, that she had already called out several times, and that she'd reached him somewhere in a recess of…

That One Time We Were on NPR...

18111811 views1010 comments88 favs

Twelve people in the band, the two women arrive first (arrive on time).


18111811 views3434 comments1414 favs

I loved my Dad. He was executed in 1967. He was guilty.